Hi, Sorry all, I know you guys must be sick of people like me joining and asking stupid questions. I would like to know where to start in fixing myself (xmas round the corner - cant be paying a garrage) my cars heater. I have a 2001 Seat Alhambra 1.9TDI Auto. Over the last week the heating has been fading. Only seemed to blow any heat if i was doing over 60 on the motorway. When i slow down or stop at a junction, the heat would just turn cold. However, since yesturday I have had no heat what so ever. No matter what setting or fan speed i put it on, its always cold. All the buttons seem to do their job, fan speed etc.. however just the temp doesnt chance. Same for the rear heaters too. I have only gone as far as looking at the fuses and all "seem" ok. Any ideas where to start??? Thanks All