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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

cos 4x4

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Everything posted by cos 4x4

  1. just havn,t got a sunroof mate so can rule that one out
  2. and to the last post have done the scuttle drains mate along while ago unless there are some more drains under there i don,t know about and its doin my head :16:
  3. right to do the scuttle drains is an easy job 1 jack up car and remove wheel 2 undo all the star screws holding on the arch liner 3 pull down the arch liner 4 you will see the scuttle drain to your left under the wing it,s a small square plastic bung with a rubber flap on it 5 eihter remove the rubber flap or as i did just take the whole thing out as it,s only clipped in 6 reverse of the above 3 to1 and do this both sides and your problem should be sorted hope this helps :16:
  4. did my drop links last year doddle of a job thank god i didn,t let the garage do it cause he reckoned it was the suspension top bush knocking you live and learn
  5. more likely water ingress, how about trying to dry it out and then dusting talcum powder around to see if you can locate its path - may give you a better idea where to look, even if it does smell like a boudoir for a few days (looking at the weather forcast this week) yep def water ingress nothin todo with rear washer pipe as i can,t find the join for it down there its now starting to pee me off big time do the front quarters leek at all and is there any body trims around the wipers were it could get in any help and advice would be much appreciated
  6. can anybody help me please have water ingress into the passenger side front dor well of the car have done the skuttle drains changed the windscreen cause it was cracked and its still getting in theres no soundproofing in the floor either and last week ther was about 1/2 inch of water in ther after heavy rain so anywhere else that i can look for leeks as this is really peeing me off all help gratfully excepted
  7. :23: had mine done down here in south wales by a firm in caerphilly cost 200 for the full car darktints to the back 5 and very light tints to the front doors and small quarters and a dark top tint to the windscreen obviuosly the front is illegal but the guy says if you get caught they where on the car when you bought it so no come backs to him and its a tidy job
  8. if the vechile is catergory d then you can get it repaired and it won,t need an inspection cat c you need a inspection cat b and a do not go back on the road
  9. well i have been mixing cookoing oil and diesel using a 50/50 mix for every 12 litres of derv i use 12 litres of cooking oil have noticed no diference and it runs and starts fine saves me a couple of quid every week :lol:
  10. finally after 2 weeks of complaining on and off finally got to speak to someone in charge in customer service very nice lady she was very understanding and bless she refunded my
  11. i know that feelin all to well
  12. come on has anybody else tried cooking oil in the deisel yet
  13. but between me and the miss,s we have six but the eldest is 17 so does her own thing thank god stroppy bloody teenager :P
  14. i had a wicked set of over mats a couple of weeks ago from ebay there not the usual ones that go in front of the seats there a big pair of back ones that go under the seats and protect the entire carpet in the back all for
  15. me i do it on my own take out all the seats cause when ever you ask the little swines to do it an argument ensues and garunted they always leave stuff under the seats its a blody nightmare oh and the radio gets turned up them mirror gets knocked the shuttlecomes out of the changer and put back in wrong you know the score :P
  16. thats why i had the windows tinted to hide all the c r a p that five kids produce oh the shame of it :P
  17. this wasone of the reasons that i had mine tinted for to stop those pickey b a s a r d s having a shuftty and helping them selves
  18. does anyboby on here use a diesel substitue and if so how are they finding it :D
  19. just had mine tinted at a cost of
  20. and why have i got pink box,s by my thread anybody tell me please
  21. had autowindscreens out last week cause windscreen waas cracked anyway there bunch of cowboys they must have smashed it out cause they left little slivers of glass all over the dash the carpet and under the bonnet the wipers weren,t put back on straight and they didn,t even attempt to use a dust sheet of any descripition lazy b * s t * r d * and the trouble being this was all done when i was in work better stilll when they come back to sort i forgot to leave the keys but the blind git couldn,t see what was wrong with the wipers the top one was up 2" above the lower arm usless gits aanyway rant over ;)
  22. from what i remember a car club stand doesn,t cost anything the only thing you have to pay for is the entry charge but if i have time tommorrow i will ring them to find out unless anybody else is free in the day to do it
  23. if we are supposed to be an owners club as the above banner says why don,t we do it properly and get our own show stand at ford fair which has car clubs from alll makes of fords attending but not ours which is a shame really cause its normally a good day out with plenty to do and see cause it,s held at silverstone race track is anybody interested out there :ph34r:
  24. if you can afford it get a new one under your insurance i just had to do it with mine as it was leaking form the right hand side of the mirror but the upside with mine was it already had a crackin it so needed changing anyway
  25. does anybody know where i can get a pair of door seals from at a reasonable price for a mk1 galaxy fords want
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