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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

cos 4x4

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About cos 4x4

  • Birthday 01/22/1970

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  • Vehicle Type
    galaxy1.9 tdi 1996

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  • Location
    south wales
  • Interests
    cars cars and more cars and mykids and miss,s

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  1. but if the water was in the drivers footwell then you woulnt have a rusty rear arch trust me on this and as for the scuttle panel leak around the clips i discovered that about a 2 years ago and still no one has offered any sound advice as to how water can get in from the back end and drop down and around the rear arch com on guys
  2. were on about the rear arch mate not the front footwells
  3. i have exactly the same problem on my 96 1.9tdi gal the arch is rusting from the inside out any help would be great
  4. right what gets on your t1ts with your galaxy well mine the water leak that took me 2 years to find in the cab the sh1t electrics half the dash lights up the other half doesn,t apart from when you go over a bump and then its got a life of its own the fact that when you open the bonnet you need size 2 hands too work under there and the fact that everything for it is so bloody exspensive rant over
  5. best place is in the back panel but be warned you will have to make up spacers and when you buy your speakers make sure you get a set with the shallowist mounting depth that you can find. i,m using infinity reference 6x9s in the back and i had to put a 30mm spacer behind them and the still hit the inside of the boot lid the best place to mount them is right next to the light inspection covers as this is the place that offers the most room
  6. think its eiteher 25 or 35 mm drop postage depends were you are but i,d say about
  7. right guys and gals i have a brand new set of eibach lowering springs never been fitted and have been sat in my garage for 2 years i want
  8. hi everyone glad to see i,m not the only havin a shitty time of it lol but to be honest of all the cars that i,ve had this has goto be the biggest bloody money pit that i have ever owned and trying to work on it well just open the bonnet and cry even my old 4x4 sapphire cosworth was easy to work on than this and cheaper in the 3 years that i owned it
  9. well hello too you all well hoped to have a better year than last year ended that with a snapped cambelt and a
  10. well had the money pit back bleeding thing to fix it
  11. it snapped at about seventy going down the m4 took it too the garage today so will hear from them on monday if its scrap or not can,t really afford this now this time of year with xmas and all that the last bill for a service and mot cost me 408 quid all i can say is this thing is a bloody money pit :angry2:
  12. bloody cam belt has snapped sodding thing and at the wrong time of year going to the garage tomorrow so fingers crossed won,t cost a fortune specially this time of year :)
  13. have been using cooking oil mixed fifty fifty with diesel for months now with no change in performance at all and saving me a fortune as well to boot specially when the figures speak for themselves 3ltr oil in tescos
  14. the things your pointing too are only clipped into the body when you remove these you can pour water through them and it will ingress into the footwell . so remove them both the top and bottom one fill both holes with plenty of clear silicone then put the black plastic noddys back in and that should cure it(it did with mine) as for the sealer your pointing too that is only between the wing and body so shouldn,t cause any water ingress hope this helps
  15. the top pic is what i,m on about were that plastic lug goes into the body is the hole you should seal up then push it back in as this is a direct hole through the bulk head and into the cabin i should imagine theres one on the drivers side as well as for matey boys above comments about silicone the stuff i use is the proper deal used by window companys all over the country so stop talking bollocks pall
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