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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by martin7

  1. You didn't mention the year but if its an older model you may find the disscussion on stalk controlers some help
  2. Just to let anyone know that i still havent given up i am at the moment following 3 leads:- 1. i,ve sent off for the joystick commander with a view to making my own adaptor 2. the seat alhambra "p reg" has exactly the same column controls so im trying to find what was fitted to that car 3.i Have found a device called the "IALPINE KCE-869B"which describes itself has having the ford 6 pin connector but can't find if its an adaptor or a replacment "need a picture"
  3. Fredt Thanks for info tried the ford focus one, just sent it back i'm off to look at your second web site now. i will let you know how it go's. ta martin just wondering if there is a compatable stalk (size wise) from a different car that may have an adapter available. ???????
  4. Well, i tried them as you suggested and this is the reply i got, "Unfortunately we haven't got any adaptors available for the earlier models of Ford Galaxy, and I'm not aware of any other companies doing so," I still don't believe it can't be done so if any other members have any idears i would be pleased to here from you. PS can't believe no one likes a challange, after all, we did buy ford galaxy's
  5. Just fitted a new cd/radio to my 1999 2.3 gia but am unable to control it from the column mount audio controls, everyone i,ve contacted replys it can't be done (i refuse to believe it). This forum is my last hope. Radio is sony mpx40 and the rest of the installation went without a hitch.
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