I've got a few minor faults with my Galaxy at the moment which I'm working through. The main and worst one is that it won't rev past about 3000 rpm, this point does vary though between about 2800 rpm and 3800rpm. When it hits this point the car loses all power and judders and the rev needle jumps up and down, going right down to zero some of the time. It does this everytime, so can be replicated on the drive. Each time is does it, it throws a 16705 error: Engine Speed Sensor (G28): Implausible Signal. Can anyone confirm this will be the crankshaft sensor on the front lower right of the engine. Held in with a 9mm multi spline bolt? When I phoned VW they suggested it could be the crankshaft sensor or the camshaft sensor. Is there anyway to use VCDS to determine which it is for sure? Thanks