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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

heres jonny

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Everything posted by heres jonny

  1. thanks every one.yep i am now confident that the belt is right and the wires are right on the back ofthe altinator. i will check the altanator for the out put with a multi meter. does anyone know where a wireing diagram would be? it was the same alternator that i used and it was working fine before the re build lol. thanks in advanse.
  2. any help would be greatfull.
  3. i have just done a full engine swap on a s reg mk1 ford gallaxy ve 2.8. all working and running fine apart from the battery light is fully on and does not seem to be charging the battery. all wires are on the alternator too. if the battery was that flat would the light be on? the only other thing is weather or not i have put the belt on right? cant find anywhere thou to show me this. any help would be very greatfull. as these are such a pain to work on lol. john....
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