Hi all, i have just bought a 01 galaxy 1.9tdi zetec last night theres only 65k on the clock (genuine for i phoned the 1 owner before buying) when driving home last night i noticed that the battery warning light kept flashing off and on just for a second each time, checked and the belt for the altenator, looks fine and the fuse box at the battery looks good too , but the terminals look look very shiny and new and the cables not so new also the lead from the battery to the fuse box looks new so i wonder has it been replaced due to the burning other posts have discussed ? is this known to cause other problems ? also on the ac control panel the ac works fine when the fan speed is at 1 or 2 but when i turn it to 3 or higher the ac cuts out , when i turn it back to 2 on it goes again any ideas ????????