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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Rick.lord

  1. I have a Ford Galaxy 1.9Tdi 130 Manual 2003 plate. I would like to check my N75 and it's associated vacumn pipes but having looked at where it is situated (behind an aluminium panel in front of the bulkhead) I have no idea how to get to it. Does anyone have any decent instructions please.
  2. Ford Galaxy 1.9Tdi 130 2003 plate, 100,000 miles Towing the caravan back from Wales on Sunday, the gal seemed to have lost power, struggled to get up hills. Are there any ccommon problems. Can anyone suggest what I need to check/replace
  3. Ford Galaxy 1.9Tdi 03 plate. The remote key fob central locking has stopped working. The batteries have been replaced in the kep fob & the LED comes on when pressed. I have gone through the routine to ensure the remote is paired to the car but it still doesn't work. If I use the key in the lock the central locking works. Any ideas?
  4. I have a Ford Galaxy 1.9Tdi 130 on an 03 plate. I came to start the car yesterday with the same key I have always used and the engine turned over for a second & stopped. I tried this a few times with the same result. It felt to me like the immobilser was kicking in. I tried the spare key and this works OK. This naturally leads me to the suspision that either the key & chip are faulty or it has somehow lost the key coding. Does anyone have any ideas or could you help me with instructions to re-code the key.
  5. I have a 2003 1.9tdi Galaxy and the remote central locking has stopped working. I have replaced the batteries, made sure that it is paired & I have checked the wires in the door frame all to no avail. Does anyone know where the remote receiever is situated so I can inspect it.
  6. I have a Ford galaxy 1.9Tdi 130HP 03 Plate. I have the car from new and now for the third time the intercooler pipe has come adrift at the lower mounting point. Has anyone else had this problem and is it a stock fault with a stock solution?
  7. Galaxy 1.9 Tdi 130 Yesterday whilst driving the gal there was a pop & woosh of air sound and the car lost power. I called the out the breakdown company and they arrived and diagnosed that the intercooler pipe at thge front left hand side of the engine had come off. This was refitted and I travelled home. I am not convinced that the clip was retaining the pipe correctly and sure enough it has popped off again. Is this a common fault and is there a mod? as it seems to me it's a poor design or is there another reason why it would be popping off?
  8. Possibly but don't you have to stick rigidly to the manufacturers service schedules which cost a lot & do very little otherwise you invalidate your warranty. I have tended to do my own servicing oil & filter changes.
  9. Galaxy 1.9 TDi 130 2003 Replaced both links this weekend and it was easier than I expected. The old ones came off easily after a squirt of WD40. The off side one was the one causing the problem, there was excessive movement. For anyone interested the fault symptom is a knocking sound coming from the front suspension that is more noticable when you are driving alone. It's either something to do with the lack of weight or the fact you have a bit of peace & quiet. New drop links from Partco
  10. 1.9 TDi 130 Year 2003 Anyone know the torque settings for the drop links to anti roll & strut?
  11. Galaxy 1.9 TDi 130 year 2003. Amongst other things, I am going to replace the fuel filter to-morrow. Never done it before, how easy is it? Where is it? Anything I need to Know?
  12. Galaxy 1.9 Tdi 130 About 6 months ago there was a slight knocking noise coming from the front suspension. I took the car to the local dealer who replaced a link rod (not sure which side). All has been fine until just recently when the knocking noise has come back (again not sure which side) so I suspect the other link rod may be faulty. Can someone tell me what the link rod is/does, how easy is it to replace, how much do these cost and would you expect them to last longer than 20,000 miles
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