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Everything posted by keeyth

  1. It's impossible to get the camera in there to show the problem area at a different angle, All I can say about it is the water is leaking though the sealant right in the corner where the n/s/f wheel arch meets the floor and bulkhead, there is no visible hole or staining from rust, My Galaxy has no sunroof so I can rule that out, I have had both wheel arch liners out and are completely clear as are the drains, I can also rule out the windscreen because the leak can be reproduced by gently hosing water into the scuttle cavity, I am thinking about removing the wiper motor to try and run a bead of sealer along the back of the bulkhead that runs under the pollen filter housing corner to corner between scuttle drains, I don't think water running out of the passenger side scuttle drain could enter the cabin as it is directed away from the affected area by the wheel arch liner
  2. After weeks of head scratching I have finally found out where the rain water has been getting in to the passenger footwell of my mk2 2003 tdi, when water is poured into the scuttle panel area you can see water bubbling out of the seam joint arrowed in the picture, It takes a few minutes from pouring the water before it starts to run out of the seam joint, Now I could just put some sort of sealer over the area to stop the water getting in but chances are the water will just find another way to enter, Is there a particular area along the bulkhead where it is possible for the water to get in? , I have removed the black scuttle panel and ran a hose along the area just below the pollen filter housing and within a few minutes the water starts to trickle out the seam in the footwell http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c68/keyth-utd/Galaxy/IMG_8156.jpg
  3. Hi all, I have a couple of electrical problems that I could do with some help with, The main problem is with the central locking, I press the key fob and the indicators flash to confirm the alarm is arming but none of the doors lock, Using the key in the drivers door has the same affect although the petrol flap locks the other doors and tailgate refuse to respond, The lock/unlock button on the drivers door arm rest has also joined in the fun by not working, All the fuses in both boxes check out ok and I can't see any evidence of broken wires in any of the door looms and tailgate loom, The tailgate itself now only opens with the key but could a fault here kill the whole system? Another gremlin that was noticed at the same time (could be related or just coincidence) is that both heated screen switches have lost there on/off illumination lights although both screens defrost without issue. And finally I have flickering lights, It doesn't matter weather it is a headlights or dash lights, as long as it's a bulb and it is on it flickers, An alternator fault would normally spring to mind but the lights have been seen flickering without the engine running, I have heard rumours that this could be a battery lead issue
  4. Thanks For the replies and suggestions guys, I will check the wiring tomorrow and let you know how i get on
  5. Hi everyone, I have just changed the alternator on a friends 02 plate 1.9tdi (the battery warning light was on and not charging the battery) , I fitted a replacement reconditioned unit and all was well (battery light went out and was charging 14v at idle), The car was taken out later at night and was sitting at idle in traffic when the lights went dim and the battery waring light came on again, Could i have just been unlucky fitting a faulty alternator or could there be something killing it ? , would it be worth changing the battery even though it seems fine, I don't think i will have to much trouble getting the new (now faulty) alternator replaced but i'm worried it may happen again
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