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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by hehdiddlydo

  1. I hear what you're saying and as I've heard this before and read it in the handbook I know it to be good advice. Can't help but think that we buy these Galaxy's for several reasons and one being MPG. Kind of makes a mockery if they're designed to be razzed every couple of months over (25 miles I seem to recall) in as low a gear as possible in order for the turbo to be happy. Or am I alone in thinking this?
  2. On another Galaxy we had the sudden lack of power and black smoke meant a new turbo - whilst on holiday and cost around a grand. Hope yours isn't that.
  3. It doesn't do it every day and never when the garage have it :) But, it jerks, kangaroo like, when accelerating through 2nd to third, third to fourth. sometimes quite delicately so that you question whether it actually did it. Other times quite violently and has cut out completely in the middle of the road. Garage can't replicate fault - typical. Any ideas please?
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