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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by isk

  1. There is a company in Chelmsord or Colchester (can't remember exactly) that makes bench-type rear facing seats for most of the cars. I think this is the only way to legally accomodate 8 persons in your Galaxy. They charge no more than
  2. I've seen a tuning chip advertised on Deutsche eBay, but it was for TDi with Pumpe Duse only. I wonder which engines qualify...
  3. I've got the same problem with mine - hot air coming out (suppose it'll be cold in the winter). Since there could be one or more of many causes, does anyone out there know if the fault can be found via a diagnostic device (or software), rather than trial and error method. Will appreciate any suggestion.
  4. I can never do av. 48mpg on a tankful. It was just a one-off reading after being stuck in 50mph moving traffic for about half an hour . I never average more than 41 mph on a tankful, although I tend to drive on my own, with no luggage and mostly on a motorway (average 1/2hour journey) and not exceeding 75 mph. Does it still seem normal?
  5. At very best I can do 48 mpg, and I drive very gently, so I take it there must be something wrong...
  6. My sorry saga has got a happy ending too ! A friend of mine, who works for a Seat dealer in Poland has just supplied me with a code that's working! I'm totally over the moon! :) Thanks Dan and SAI for your input. Shame on SMC Datchet!(and SEAT Britain for not replying to my emails)
  7. At least it worked for you... But I won't try SEAT again that's for sure. To SA intruder: So even if it says on the box "made by Ford in Portugal" and "Model 2007", it could still be Grundig or Blaupunkt made by Visteon in Brazil? Now I'm really lost... :(
  8. Hi, can anybody let me know how your car performs? In the handbook it specifies 52 mpg out of town, but I've never been able to achieve this - not even by driving at 50 mph on the 5th gear. It's normally 40-41 mpg at 70, ~36 mpg at 80 and rising to maximum of 47 mpg at around 50 mph. Is there anything I can do to improve it ? Could it be the worn injectors (car's done 170k, and I don't think they've been renewed)? I'll be greatful for any suggestions.
  9. 7up,did you get your code sorted out? If so, pls let me know how - I "lost " my radio a week after succesfully changing my old battery for a new one from Halfords (radio did work afterwards cos supply was maintained via lighter sockets from another car), unfortunately after 1 week standing idle the "fully charged" battery went completely flat and I lost it. Went to Seat (SMC in Datchet), they supplied the code for free - but it didn't work. Went back to them, an after 2 months wait they gave me another code - didn't work either.When I reqested that they try again, at least to confirm either of the two, they said : We should really charge you for this, and anyway your radio must be broken... So much for the SEAT customer service (SA Intruder, are you reading this?) Then I went to Ford (in Reading), very nice people that would only charge
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