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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by GT4THUG

  1. i have a 2.3 ghia Galaxy Mk1 , to which the tow bar is to be used soon, so i got a trailer board to check it all works to find the cables are in but not connected to anything! thats a really good start! they are fed thru to the right hand (drivers) side, to which they are just left in limbo but looking on for help I see the wiring should be on the left hand side as there is supposed to be a connector ( attatched i presume) to operate the towing lights etc, but which wire is which if this is correct at a meter across it seems to give 'not what i'd expect' readings as looking for on/of/on for indicators and getting a flat 14v on the red and lower voltages on other which makes me think i'm in the wrong area (that and its five wires white/yellow/red/blue/grey/) is this correct or is the previous install (!) in the correct area and i need the wires for the pins. all help appreciated thanks stuart
  2. My replacement windscreen by Autoglass, had miss beaded and started a similar, which the re install fixed, but all the original mung started the wet carpets... an update from that is once fixed the pipes blocked again and the front left pipe had to be blocked off as it was in the roof from the sunroof drain that only showed after heavy rain and on the unlevel drive.. it now has the 3 other drain holes ( and the 2 rearwards ones astonish and worry me if they leak as they run the entire length to the back !) i did the jug of water and follow the leaks down each drain to see which one actually leaks.. crude but its all sorted now
  3. the way i would look at it is you got the galaxy for very little, and its worth upto the retail value. so any repairs up to this would be budget depending worth while, as finding another with this background would be hard to do. what 'off the shelf' places are there in the area with a box already to go ( on exhange) to get yours going ? has the Galaxy been to another ( your usual) garage just incase the diagnosing garage had a could be bothered , or the owner can afford, attidude to repairing it.. you never know a toyoya dealer did that to me, i bought my GT4 which had been regularly serviced by this garage to get a hike in costs when i bought it as they didnt know i was a friend of the previous owner (!) it might be a simple fix just diagnosed as 'cant be bothered to investigate- they have a inherent fault for this, fit another and fingers crossed...' hopefully other input will be added now to the condition of the transmission, as for main faults and rebuild costs.. then decide..
  4. really easy one... my GT-four
  5. hi, its been a good day to check over the car with the hunting revs, which is looking more like a sticking throttle in symptoms but all the parts in the system seems to work, but on investigation the 30 amp fuse above teh top main fuesbox was melted.. the one on the rail with relay 128 can anyone point me in the direction of what it is as i cant find it in haynes as i am just pondering what has caused this and is it part of the fault i have before i chuck more time and parts at it to find something in a different location that has issues instead thanks again stuart
  6. hi, the car just doesnt sit at the revs , its more noticeable when driven an gear change, it start to set the revs at where the throttle was ( then in idle) is the best description, but if i come to a junction and slow right down as to stall, its fine.. temp guage started to work and all symptoms stayed the same... ambient temp outside showing as 27 deg, and at norm temp
  7. its been on and off since i have had the Galaxy , it runs low then occasionally works then runs low, ( and its nots the thermostat or anything ) just presumed its got a iffy guage / sensor and couldnt be motivated to fix as isnt a issue / important ... its only started as the ambient temp is hot.. so the temp is thinking its cold and running the fuel as if the chock is pulled out ? next question... if this is true... wheres the sensor and whats teh restistance to verify the sensor is dud and at what temp? thanks
  8. Just a Quick one, My 2.3 Ghia Galaxy (P reg) has started to over rev, to which looking thru the Haynes Manual it states that the idle is ECU set due to sensors, so i cannot re adjust... but it cant be driven safely at this and its getting annoying at the lights, so any ideas what to check first as the throttle cable is ok, and nothing seems to be disconnected but something is amis... just the spate of very hot weather has started this issue and as its a family vehicle i dont really want to be driving it in this condition , but dont want to start the tedious trial and error to get it rectified... thanks in advance Stu!
  9. it could be the drainage channels from teh roof to the lower arches that have munged up.. along with the possibility of the sunroof drainage holes.. its a case of strip back the plastics and de mung / find the drainage blockage... check teh a pillar for water ingress as mine came thru from there first !
  10. not sure which way it went, have just cleaned it up, and had a quick scout around but it seems like it was a pressed steel one in a MK1 which went to a alloy for the rest of the runs.... anyone know what else the Y5B engine was fitted to as so far breakers have either like wise or a full engine only.....
  11. I wish it was Ali !!! is the sump then the horrors.... not 1 but 3 holes.. is the largest then 2 smaller ones are as its off now any ideas ?
  12. no its a MK1 engine sump and its steel, brb with some pics as off to remove from the car....
  13. started by an oil change and wiping that little oil bead that turned out to be rust that was keeping the oil in the gearbox that fell off and oill pee'd out without the need of the drain plu!!! no i need to get a new sump / get it fixed... any ideas as to the cheapest replacement or cross reference to get a quick turnaround as the family are now filling a Yaris (badly) any of u guys got a cheap spare i can cadge ? thanks in advance Stu! (cant remember if my sig has all the car details in again but its a 2.3 MK1 Ghia on a p plate.... and on the drive weeing its oil out....)
  14. is it a MK1 ? if it is try disconnecting the black control box under the passengers seat, its the control for central locking , but mine had a water leak to which it damaged this unit and made all my windows open and shut like it was possessed, if you disconnect it the central locking with be shut off, but the windows will operate as normal... if it isnt, i am not sure what it could be but the rest of the guys will comment , just post back what galaxy u have
  15. .... the positive feed for pin 6 on the relay is 0v and thats where the problem lies on my system as once a 12v is across the pin the relay closed and fires the 2 heaters up :-) rather than keep ripping out more and more dash looking for it i have resolved the matter with a fresh feed, and ooooh a summers day and sweat box :-) .... roll on a cold day now :-)
  16. well.... bridged both outputs with wire and.... they work... have 12v thru both and the climate control will vairy the speed. put 12v thru pins 6 and 3 the relay clicks... more than it does in the loom just going to run a meter across the relay to confirm, but either the supply to pin 3 and 6 is weak / broken or relay is defunct but yay i have both the heaters blowing now :-) so its either a quick loom look at or a relay and all dash back and warm !
  17. Personally I would look about 8 inches above the hedgehog .....pic below Cheers Kev going to remove the top glove box this afternoon and hopefully once this has been done the heater will be fully functional, this takes be back to the hidden fuse days of the old mini's lets put something that fails hidden in the depth of the dashboard....
  18. will have a look 2morro and look for this relay, anyone else know where it is as i am just going to drop the glove box and crick me neck looking around the inside till i can see anything :-) and will do the old celica fuel jumper mod to see if i can fire front and back fans on respectively then a replacement from somethere or look at schematic make a connector to make a std relay (2 of ) do the same one if it is silly money...at least one will stay on if a relay fails ... but cheers so far for that...
  19. Mirez the conclusion is as follows F 34 and 39 are both intact but ones a 30 ones a 25 a green sleeve and a blue are behind i can pic if u need pin 3 stripped the red block and probed to get a +12v blower red/white is a 0V with ign and climate on so first item to be questionable is the relay now **ahem** which one is it and roughly where is it please... as i think with this we are on a winner :-) can we jumper it to double check as can give full 12v thru and fire the fans up :-) Cheers as this seems a result and a quick pop the the motor factors seems in order!
  20. is the control box under the passenger seat on that model ? if it is remove the small panel and remove just incase like my Mk1 water ingress from the blocked windscreen drain had pooled in it and damaged the black control box, disconnect it all work again but lose the central locking interface till you can sort water out and replace with a new replacement off e-bay mine cost
  21. My JDM is a touch over 250bp, as it had a lot of toyota UK issues (like they were monkeys) so i have done all the work, 6 puck kevlar, short shift, motech, UK suspension, replacement turbo, radiator (as it blew on a run from Wakefield funny as when it went now you see now i'm a cloud), then whoever did the SVA never put a fuse in the fog light circuit and 5 years ago on the ramps it caught fire on an MOT as the switch broke down and shorted so all dash out and a full bay rewire...oh the joys and hence my screen name :-) a heavy right foot .... nah was hoping to with the 'Celica Club' but working joys of being a chef stupid hours and stupid days :-( load of the other guys will be there and i think Nikki, who i bought the galaxy off is on here way got a nice gen5 silver convertable, like i say the electrics etc on the galaxy are far more complex than my ST185 for its own good and liike bump bump bump on the old head... looking like a good crack anyhow , like it always is...
  22. straight line yup bends nah so i think thats a 50/50 we'll compare notes at each pit stop as we BOTH need a tanker behind us to quench the thirst!!!
  23. Cheers for that Mirez thats 2morro's to do might moider the where are the locations if i cant find in the day , but apart from that thats the good old english i needed to start me back off again :lol:
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