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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by jbgt2

  1. Hi, Galaxy mk2 1.9 TDi 115bhp. This piece of **** has been giving me grief for a while. One minute the heaters are blowing hot, next cold - after 30miles I would need to top the water up - maybe 0.5 litre or so http://www.forum.fordmpv.com/smf2/Smileys/akyhne/angry.gif Flushed the system and a large piece of brown build up came out (finger tip to wrist in length) see photo http://www.forum.fordmpv.com/smf2/Smileys/akyhne/embarrassed.gif Thought I'd solved the problem but no, it continued. Flushed the system out again this time with a rad flush and seemed to work great - for a day. Then yesterday when returning home the steam smell started in the cabin but no change in the instrument panel temp sensor - stayed at 90 degrees. Luckily I wasnt to far from home 0.5miles When i opened the bonnet the short (large) hose see photo had burst http://www.forum.fordmpv.com/smf2/Smileys/akyhne/huh.gif So after the thesis above what is the likelyhood that the head/engine is banjaxed? What do I check? http://www.forum.fordmpv.com/smf2/Smileys/akyhne/embarrassed.gif How many thermostats are in this engine?
  2. Thx for the replies. Not sure of the fault code but he said the turbo was shutting down due to over boost and said the boost sensor was more than likely at fault. After he took it off and put it back on the car was sound for 4-6 weeks now its breaking my heart again. He did say that the turbo appears OK which would be my money concern, Seems to be a bit of pot luck on what exactly the problem part could be due to all the parts involved.
  3. to the below right of the steering wheel, unclip the plastic cover and all the fuses are behind it
  4. Hi, The local garage has told me it appears as though my boost sensor is faulty on my AUY 2001 1.9 TDi Galaxy, located at the rear bottom of engine behind a plate. To get a secondhand I need to find out the part number. Anyone know this? Also anyone have steps on how to replace? Is it tricky? Thx in advance Mr Noob.
  5. Hi, The local garage has told me it appears as though my boost sensor is faulty on my AUY 2001 1.9 TDi Galaxy, located at the rear bottom of engine behind a plate. To get a secondhand I need to find out the part number. Anyone know this? Also anyone have steps on how to replace? Is it tricky? Thx in advance Mr Noob.
  6. Hi Xavier All the heat panel controls seem to work unfortunately the AC hasnt since I owned the car. Engine is at normal temp and still cold air. I might as well be riding the motorbike lol How did you fix the auxillary pump?
  7. OK 1. With the engine running can you see coolant returning to the bottle through the small pipe on the side Yes 2. Does the auxiliary coolant pump work (located behind fuel filter) runs all the time engine is running. And for 3 minutes after engine is switched off (AUY code only) There used to be whirring noise after the engine was switched off. Would that have been this pump? Anyway there is no whirring noise anymore and the pipe leading to this unit has hot water but the unit doesnt seem to be kicking in. Will this cause any issues with engine cooling or is it just suppyling heat to the cabin? Should this be an immediate fix? How hard is the unit to interchange? 3. Does your booster heater work (jet engine noise from under car) Yes 4. Has your car ever overheated or lost coolant? Not since I've owned it
  8. Cheers for the update. Do I need to apply a sealent or is the rubber seal good enough?
  9. This is a mk2 1.9 tdi. coolant level is OK, thats the first thing i checked. However I didnt check the rear blower heat as I thought the front fed through to the back. Am I mistaken on this?
  10. Hi All, recently the front quarter light glass was smashed on the car. Does anyone know how to replace? Thx in advance
  11. Hi All, The heater in the Shalaxy is blowing cold all the time lately. The heater control appears to be working as I can hear the change in the heater itself. Does anyone know what the issue could be? How is it fixed? BTW the air con hasnt worked since I've had the car (4 yrs) so that shouldn't be impacting this recent cold spell (inside and outside the car lol) Thx in advance
  12. So powerloss could be a possibile cat coverter that is clogged with soot from town driving (previous owner)? If so, the best way to clean is take off and soak in an soot dissolving solution or a fuel tank additive? Any advice welcome as my Shalaxy powerloss is driving me nuts!!!
  13. Thanks for info seatkid, maybe the Ford mech was winding me up. As my Galaxy Mk2 definately has a (DPF I dunno new to this) the Cat converter could be blocked from town use - correct? I so is the italian tuneup the correct solution or will this Ford mech method of taking off the exhaust and using a cleaner be a real option? I must have words with Ford mech :glare:
  14. Hi, just the Ford garage to check my 1.9TDI lck of power. Error codes state the cat and dpf converter need unblocking. Get a DPF celaner and conditioner pack from a motor factors or the main dealer. To unblock the ford mech said to take off the exhaust from the turbo and disconnect from the mid section of the exhaust - pic shown below. The get the DPF cleaner and pour into this section you've removed and leave for 12hrs to soak. Next wash out with a power washer and refit. Next pour a deisel conditioner in to the fuel tank and run for 10-15 miles with highish revs. Power loss should be fixed. Yet to try this but will within the month as overtaking is nerve wracking - will I wont I? Sorry pic wont load but item can be seen via ebay advert http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FORD-GALAXY-MK2-1-9L-DIESEL-CATALYTIC-CONVERTER-OUT-FROM-2005-/180944278426?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item2a211e939a
  15. Found out these refer to the cat converter
  16. Could be the MAF sensor, turbo boost sensor or the turbo itself. Give it a high rev drive in every gear to clear out turbo soot. When revving car is there a lot of black smoke coming from the exhaust? if so prob turbo otherwise check the sensors get a garage to plug in a computer to read the ECU for error codes
  17. Hi Guys n Gals Car in constantly underpowered but turbo is working (although not 100%) Error codes seen on computer at garage but anyone have a clue what they mean? c062c c023b c063a THX in advance
  18. Hi When I turn the ignition key I hear 3 loud beeps. I have recently changed the oil/filter but this has had no effect. Anyone know what these 3 beeps mean? Thx John
  19. Thx will look for the stickers as the car has a Republic of Ireland number plate.
  20. How do you determine the power of the 2001 1.9Tdi? I have checked the log book, vehicle documents and vehicle Identification plate under right bonnet hinge. Nothing obvious - Anyone any ideas?
  21. oops better clarify - The mount I refer to in the previous statement concerns the brakehose NOT the caliper itself
  22. righty Mk1 and Mk2 are interchangeable but the Mk1 cailpers have a longer brakehose and the mount on the Mk1 caipler is slightly different. Therefore if you are going to use a Mk1 caliper on a Mk2 Galaxy remember to take the brake hose too. ;)
  23. Cool better get the pennies together <_<
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