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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by jhets

  1. My Galaxy was registered in Januraty 2008 - 2.0 tdi with auto box and self leveling suspension. I tow a caravan. I had to replace the rear tyres at 8500 miles as the outer edges of both were worn to an illegal level. I had the tracking checked and reset although Ford would accept no responsibility. I replaced the tyres - the car has now done 17600 miles and the rear tyres are in need of replacement as the outer edges have been worn down. I have had the tracking reset again but can get no explanation for why this should happen. The dealership and Customer Services (Ford UK) have no explanation. Is this a common problem or is it my vehicle. The front tyres lasted 16000 miles which seems also quite heavy. Having had two earlier Galaxys I am very disappointed with this as is my wallet!
  2. I have a 57 plate Galaxy Ghia TDi with self-levelling suspension - having covered 17500 miles I am looking at a second set of rear tyres. The first were scrubbed on the outside edges at 8500. I had the tracking set up by the dealer and Ford did not want to know. I have just had the tracking done again as part of the dealers investigation into the tyre wear - but no explanation as to why the wear is happening again at about 8000 miles. Ford customer service offer no help other than take it to a second dealership. No one seems prepared to admit a problem or try to find what causes it. I tow a caravan but no mention has been made by of this. Jhets
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