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Everything posted by rustychain

  1. Thanks for the contact and phone number tamworthleon - really useful. Before I saw your post I found one on ebay. It was listed as for a Mk2. In the pictures it looked identical to mine (Mk1). It was £12 posted so I took a gamble. I'm relieved to say it was identical and in pretty good condition. I cleaned it up and painted it with hammerite before fitting. No more leaks, so happy days.
  2. The Mk1 diagram and Mk2 diagrams appear to be identical. Mk1 - http://eucatparts.com/?action=cat_ford_part&s_id_part=24451&s_id_model=98 Mk2 - http://eucatparts.com/?action=cat_ford_part&s_id_part=24767&s_id_model=99&s_code_image=G002110604 However, the part numbers are different. Is it possible that the parts are identical but with different part numbers? I may have to try the repair you've suggested....
  3. Thanks for your advice Paul. I was afraid it might be a difficult part to track down. Useful to know that number is the official part number, I'll make some calls tomorrow. I've found one or two on ebay, but they're for a MK2 (mines a Mk1). I might be able to adapt one... Mines also been crusty for years. For whatever reason it's decided to give up the ghost just after I got the car through the MOT at reasonable expense. Grrr. :)
  4. Good morning Planned trip to the coast with the family thwarted due to an oil leak spotted yesterday (maybe a good thing, the roads are already heaving). I've tracked the leak down to a metal pipe that runs across the front of the car (see item 14 on the link below). http://eucatparts.com/?action=cat_ford_part&s_id_part=24451&s_id_model=98 The pipe has corroded through (16 year old car). I've tried searching for a replacement, but no joy so far. Any idea what I should be searching for? Or should I just visit VW/Ford to see if I can get an original replacement? Is there somewhere online that I can search for original part numbers (saving a drive the local dealer)? Many thanks
  5. Thanks for the responses. I'll try flushing through some more fluid in the first instance to see if that works - might be all it needs. I would try activating the ABS, but the ABS light came on out of nowhere after the car had been sat on the drive for the last two weeks. Haven't started working on that problem yet. The car is 12+ years old so I shouldn't complain, but it seems to be needing lots of TLC at the moment.....
  6. Hi I replaced all the brake pipes on my '99 Tdi the other week. I'm now struggling to get the brakes to work properly, despite bleeding them several times. The pedal goes spongy after a while and even when it stiffens up, the stopping power isn't like it was before. The car got through it's MOT, but the tester mentioned the brake pedal was spongy. I wonder if I've managed to get air in the ABS block? If I have, any suggestions on how to correct this please without taking the car to a Ford main dealer (as suggested in the Haynes manual). For info I've not replaced anything else eg pads etc (that's next weeks job!). Thanks Sean
  7. That looks like a very good price! I need to visit my sister in Livepool over the Easter school hols, so could go via Macclesfield and get them fitted at allnewtyres. :P
  8. Thanks for all the replies, especially you Sparky Paul - two very interesting links there! The first has certainly put me off the idea of using lower end budget tyres. I'm becoming more convinced about getting some half decent rubber. I suppose decent tyres are a bit like an insurance policy... I'll see if I can track down some of those Marshals, unless anyone has some other recommendations? I can get 4 x Maxxi MA-Z1's fitted for
  9. Thanks for the response. These are 97W rated, so are up to the job in terms of load/speed. I just find the idea of
  10. Car passed its MOT today! :angry2: But I got a 'yellow' for the tyres (which I was expecting!). Anyone tried these tyres - GOODRIDE SA-05? They're clearly budget (
  11. Thanks for the responses! Gives me a starting point. How do I check if the blades are coked up, do I have to take the turbo out??? :unsure:
  12. Hi there My Galaxy 115 Tdi has developed the following symptoms: 1. Sometimes after starting from cold, the engine dies whilst it's idling (approx 30 seconds after starting, before setting off) 2. The engine also intermittently loses power. For example, the other day I was driving along a dual carriageway, when the engine lost power (ie the engine was still running, but the engine didn't respond to pressing the accelerator). This lasted for a couple of seconds or so, but seemed like forever! Any suggestions on where to start looking please? Thanks Sean
  13. Touch wood, the new brake switch has sorted the problem! :16: I can't believe how much trim I had to remove to get in their, but it made the job much easier! I also had to trim a small amount off the switch lugs so I could turn the switch into position (in case you find yourself in a similar position). Cheers Sean
  14. Thanks for the responses. I've decided to get a new switch as the current one was looking old and worn out (it was only a temporary fix). I'll see if that sorts the problems! Cheers Sean
  15. Hi there My glow plug light started flashing on the dashboard yesterday. When I got home I tested the brake lights after checking here on the forum - no lights! I've stripped the brake light switch this evening and found a bad contact in the switch. After cleaning it up and managing to put it back together in the right order, the brake lights now work - yeah! The only issue is that the glow plug light is still flashing! :blink: Do I need to reset the ECU (disconnect the battery?) or is there another problem I need to be looking for? Thanks Sean
  16. Hi Paul Thanks for the response. I was having a closer look and wondered if the panel is bonded the front windscreen - I sure hope not!!! Any suggestions on the type of sealant to use, some good quality general purpose stuff from Screwfix, or is there some specialist body panel sealant I should use?
  17. Hi there I'm the proud new owner of a Mk 1 Galaxy, which I'm loving. I bought the car with a quite badly damaged near side front wing. The wing needs replacing, which I'd like to have a go at. Does anyone know how to do this job and do you have any tips? From what I can see, the job should be fairly straight forward (ie unbolt and remove the wing after taking out the wheel arch liner etc). The main issue from what I can see is the glass quarter light. Will it come out easily from the original wing? Also, are there any precautions I should take after bolting the new wing in place to avoid rust? Such as priming and painting the bolts? Thanks in anticipation of your responses. Sean
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