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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by tezerez

  1. Has this excellent site been resurrected?
  2. I once had the brake lights working after having a new switch fitted, but got the flashing glow plug sign about 2 weeks later which showed as brake switch fault on simple vag-com test. Switch needed about 1/ 64th of a turn to properly align. Did anyone fit a new switch lately?
  3. Thanks, will keep in mind (for when my boat comes in........ And there's isn't a dock strike on)
  4. Hi Silverbeast, £160 sounds good as opposed to what I usually hear. I see you are in Otley, I'm in Bramley, LS13, where did you go?
  5. I used my vcds-lite , the free one with Windows 7 for asges, and it works just as well now have upgraded to windows 10
  6. Thanks SilverBeast, That works! Still puzzled why it started though.
  7. Have been viewing and enjoying this site for years on my tablet. Has something changed as now every page has shrunk to half width on page. Can't find a setting to get it back to full size. Using Android on a nexus 7 as I have for 2 years
  8. Easiest thing to try is to check for spiders and webs in or on the sound sensors Then it is probably worth checking the wiring in the doors and tailgate.
  9. My late 2003 130tdi has 109K , and runs fine. New battery last spring. However, Sometimes lately, engine spins without firing straight away. Then will start straight away on 2nd turn. Does this sound like relay 109 to anyone?
  10. Mine lasted 8 years and 2 months, Just got slower and slower, then finally gave up! Had to get a new one fitted on a Sunday, so paid £115 fitted for a 100 amp 4 yr warranty from Wilco motorsave. I do lots of stop start, so reckon life was quite good for a diesel. Previous car (?) was a petrol Renault Kangoo, which never had a new battery in 9 years/110K. Sometimes lately, engine spins without firing straight away. Then will start straight away on 2nd turn. Does this sound like relay 109 to anyone?
  11. Thank goodness sense has prevailed, and we have lost the ranting. Thank you for keeping this site informative, light-hearted and clean.
  12. Thanks for the info Doug that will put a few peoples minds at rest. Perhaps this might make the brushes last longer? Mine (130ASZ) still going at 101000. Here's hoping
  13. Sorry, I don't know about MK1 fitting. Link to page you need on FAQ section isn't working tonight for some reason. Mirez will hopefully pick up on this or chrispb123456 who are both really helpful.
  14. Try This one, good price, quick delivery . Works every time temp drops below 10 even over the last few weeks! http://www.vwspares.co.uk/sharan_7m9_electrical.php
  15. Thanks again, have previously slightly bent the arm to bring more pressure. Have ordered new one from place suggested, looks decent price for whole kit.
  16. Thanks but no, I mean the arm does not put enough pressure on the blade. Instead of all 16 inches being swept, the top 1/3 of the blade furthest away from the bottom centre of the screen, doesnt get swept. The arc stops 5 or so inches away from where it should be especially at the top of the arc. The motor is fine as it reaches the bottom of a full sweep at either side. Its just a poor spring in the arm not putting enough pressure on.
  17. Have finally got sick of rear wiper sweeping a smaller and smaller section, and have decided to buy a new arm ( have tried new blade). My question is where to get one? Are Seat, VW or Ford cheapest? does anyone know please? Cant find them online. Thanks
  19. If you have vcds-lite (free download off web) and a lead to connect laptop to diagnostic socket( about
  20. Hooked up to vcds-lite (after a few false starts) and it not only showed fault, but which sensor causing prob! Back to fleabay for new sensor, then hopefully back to safer reversing. Thanks for help.
  21. Me Again, Anyone any ideas what to look for on vag-com (actually vcds lite) to find out which bit is faulty? Does it let you know either ecu or sensors ? Thanks in anticipation.
  22. Thanks for that, have got a lead on order. Will have to do research on forum to see what to look for.
  23. Hi, First question to this excellent forum. The reverse sensors on my 53 reg TDI130 have started playing up! I often get the long beep and flashing light switch, but sometimes (whilst actually reversing)the noise stops and the system works. Sometimes it just works, Other times it works at the front, but doesn't sense the objects near the rear sensors. The ecu is dry, I have replaced the rear loom with a tested one from the Polish guy on e-bay. The lenses are clean. Before I start buying new sensors (cheapest seem to be
  24. Hi, this link is great! You will need a long thin extension for the fixing screws, but only loosen them. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?s=&showtopic=11604&view=findpost&p=96038
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