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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mikefahey

  1. Thanks I tried that and all fuses are OK
  2. A recently purchased 2.3 petrol mk11 Galaxy Manual, after a 700 mile trip to Cornwall started up normally stalled and then and then failed to start. Ie The engine won't crank as if the battery is flat. New battery fitted same symptom. Starter a bit of a smell if holding key in start position indicating a failed starter. New starter fitted. Same symptoms. With a fully charged brand new battery (tested) and a new starter, the engine only turns over slightly about half a revolution and stops? I am assuming there is an electrical fault perhaps with an earth strap having come detached or another explanation. Help please - this is driving me mad. No fault codes and I am mechanically competent having trained as a mechanic many moons ago. Where is the engine or gearbox earth strap please? Has anyone else had this experience? and could there be a more sinster explanation? Thanks
  3. Hi I booked my 126,000 utterly trouble free (apart from water in the footwell) 2300 petrol manual in for its MOT yesterday and checking the lights etc in advance it wouldnt select reverse? Try as I might it will push across the gate against the spring pressure but wont move backwards into the reverse position. It is solid. All the other gears with the engine running select normally and are easy to engage and all appear to work. The question is what is causing this to "Lock out of Reverse" Help please did a thousand miles in the car last week - perfect! Thanks in advance.
  4. HELP! Son borrowed car forced the petrol filler cap cover and now the central locking is not working at all! Might be unconnected event but as I cannot find a simple fuse for the CL where is it situated please and what are the first checks to make Thanks 1998 Galaxy 2.3 petrol Thanks Mike
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