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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by studsmassive

  1. have you checked the vacum pipe that goes to ecu
  2. bit of a pain that one if you get in the boot you might be able to get a screw driver in the lock and force it or you can try and get your hand through the panel where you change the bulb and fiddle arubd till you can reach the boot mech and do it that way best of look
  3. is the power steering fluid ok
  4. sorted was fuse 30 someone had moved them around now put in correct place now to see if i can get a remote key just to finish that side of it
  5. hi mate just tried them two fuses and both ok is there a relay
  6. hi mate its a 1996 tdi 90
  7. hi to all i have maid a c***k up , i was trying to fix my boot release testing with a wire and when i was under the passanger seat i was testing the relay and a cross wire happend now no central locking interior lights or door light flashing i have check for fuse and cant find it could it be the central locking unit blown please help
  8. hey i have and tdi 90 ps and i wouldnt say it is that slow i have driven slower i also here that if you clean the rge valve it will help my average round town is 28
  9. i belive it should have as also my glx should have but as my old control box with three plugs got wrecked i could only get one with two so hence no alarm
  10. i have to say that i was shocked that the galaxy did not do better mpg i would love to see 48-50 on a run but the car is great as there is plenty of room for my three kids that love to moan at each other and room for dogs and the wife and its betterthan our old mondeo 1.8 petrol on fuel and holds the tourqe when pulling caravan to which we got 28-30 mpg on average ,just would like more power as the 90 bhp lacks a bit
  11. hp://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=5252t well i cant get picture on this page i dont know if you select cut and paste if it will by the way if you can get to see it it is my stainless back box im trying to get up
  12. i took a trip yesterday that was 200 miles and i got 42 to the gallon all the way and the same back which i thought was good as i was doing 70 mph most of the way , round town i am getting 28-32 depending on the right foot but i will say for once i did not get back ace like i have done with most other cars
  13. hi there i had to get one for mine to which was a prob however i got one which had a slightly different number the diff was that mine is mine is a three plug and the one i got is a two plug ,but it still works my guess is the alarm is the spare plug but it dont bother me but i went on ebay and serched galaxy breaking and sent an email to every one with my part no- and waited for reply i only paid
  14. my galaxy is a 90 bhp and it has covered 150,000 miles and i never get high 30's around town i he 28-30 short journey's on a run dont know as yet but just towed our caravan from coventry to buxton peak district and we were getting around 26-28 that is van fully loaded 3 kids and 2 dogs and of course the wife it might not be the best but our mondeo 1.8 used alot more
  15. if you look at the cost of fuel now you will notice that for 20 quid you only get 3 to 3.5 gallons divide that by you mileage and its not bad
  16. my guess is slave cylinder fault but i would get it back to dealer under warranty
  17. if you can try and get a swop as the tyre needs to be right size and if you dont sort now it will cost you more in long run
  18. hi there my sister needshelp she has a mk 2 mondeo lx and the alarm keeps going off is there a way to disconect this as it is not that important thanks
  19. try this site http://www.event-tyres.co.uk/quotation/results.php they have plenty and are good priced and dont forget bf goodrich are made by michelin
  20. my boot does not open by handel i have to use key which bypasses the the boot release you will strugle to remove boot card as there are a number of screws on the bottom which you wont see when boot closed
  21. well lot of interseting comments but i have use the rear power outlet witch i have left disconected and i i put a fuse right next to it so i will inform you when i have tested
  22. thanks for your reply if the ford kit uses it then i will have a go thanks
  23. hi can any body tell me i want to wire up my electrics so i can charge the battery on the caravan as we drive is there a live feed i can take off in the boot so that i dont need to go to the battery itself thanks
  24. would'nt bother with them as i can put money that they are not feinforced which galaxys have and as i was a tyre fitter for twelve years i would'nt trust the names also tyres have a shelf date how sad i am
  25. if no belts were removed then you should not be able to move impeller hope this helps and best of luck
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