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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by daveg

  1. HI thanks a million for that, I'm on the Isle of wight so not a massive way from eastbourne. Bit of a delay getting back on the forum had a virus which used up all my internet allowance!!. could you send me an email so we can discuss the towbar, its dave@gledhill.me Thanks! dg.
  2. HI does this programming requirement apply to the mk2 as well? i wanted to fit a towbar to my 51 plate tdi 1.9 zetek. I was wondering about getting from a breakers and wiring it in myself and wondered if someone had already done this. Or maybe getting a new one from towequipe or similar company eg http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-FLANGE-TOWBAR-FOR-FORD-GALAXY-1995-TO-2006-Free-P-P-/290343021633. going to a main dealer could be more expensive and would like to avoid if possible!! thanks dg.
  3. HI I wonder if the booklet that comes with the car in the blue folder is on-line, or better still a more complete source of info for the mk2 galaxy (1.9 zetec tdi) managed to lose the booklet. Its the little ford book that describes all the controls, fuses, tyres etc. Thanks dave.
  4. Hi folka, neither bargo, roofbox or the mm company mentioned herre have models immediately available anyonw know where I can get one for next week.? I want a strong one to protect against luggage etc. THanks dave
  5. I noticed in the book (for my 51 mks tdi) under the headlight alignment section said something like that they can be aligned to be the other type and to contact the dealer. I took that to mean there is some adjustment to make them point differently. But maybe it just mean the dealer will flog you some foreign ones? See if I can find the book tomorrow, too late to go out in the cold to find it
  6. hi thanks for that I did that and it went off.What I want it to do is also detect if someone has broken a window and taken something without opening the door. I've tried testing this by locking the car with thewindow open and putting my hand in, but that doesn't trigger the alarm. I didn't notice anything on the pillars behind the front seats but right at the back there is someting black recessed above the back drivers side window, could this be a sensor? Ford tell me from their records that an alarm was installed on the car but they cant tell me which type. Thanks for the the help Im new to this, I only picked the car up today. Cheers dave
  7. ps I do have the leds at the bottome of the door windows?
  8. HI i have just aquired a 51 plate 1.9 tdi. I am told by the auto mecahnic that alough it should have an intreuder alarm that doesn't work as the stereo is not the fitted ford one and apparenlty the alarm is linked into that? (the car has a kenword or similar make fited now.) the immobliser and door locking etc seems to work ok though. I have not looked myself but am told that there is not a senson below the bonnet on the rhs (something I saw in another reply) but have notlooked myself yet as its still in the showroom. Is this someone else has come accros, and if correct that I do require a ford stereo whats the best model I can get? If not true whats the best alarm option to get added to the immobalizer/centrl locking system etc on the car. Or would I better doing it another way? what I require is the sort of the alarm that detects someone breaking the glass or operning the door and taking stuff etc. Thanks dave.
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