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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by blabla123

  1. iv been meaning to do mine aswell. was going to do them today but didnt have time. yes there about a tenner each but i been told u need to sand them down then plastic primer then paint them. i want to do them the same grey colour.
  2. i dont need a key just the chip
  3. yea just looked theres no chip in there. the previous owner must of dropped it as its been like that since i got it. were can i get a chip from and how much would it cost
  4. hi iv got a 2003 galaxy and it came with 2 keys one which is a key fob. but when i press the buttons the lights illuminates but it doesnt lock or unlock the car. i can use the key to open the doors and central locking workes fine that way. when i put this key in the ignition and start the car it starts but cuts out straight away.
  5. theres no live feed to the headlights when i put a live feed to the bulb it works ?
  6. hi iv got a S reg ford galaxy 2.3 petrol and yesterday night the headlights stopped working iv put new bulbs in and still not working iv checked the fuses and they seem ok. all the other lights are working apart from both front headlights any ideas what it could be? and does the fuse for this normally be under the bonnet or inside by drivers side
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