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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by catbert

  1. Hi, you say you have driven a 2.0tdi, this suggests it was the Mk 3 version which is the newer current style. Diesel Galaxies do hold there value as opposed to their petrol counterparts. This coupled with excellent fuel economy makes the diesel variant more desireable. Problems with Ford Diesels? Depends if you go for a MK2 which uses the VW Pd engine and is very reliable if kept in tip top condition, my brother has the newer MK3 (06 plate) diesel and so far it has been a good car with the engine (2.0tdi) being very responsive and better fuel economy than my 1.9tdi. So what sort of budget do you have? This will gives us what sort of car (MK3 or MK2) you can look for. Well, the less the better. But I could stretch to 10k. Ive seen some 07 zetec diesels for 8s but im sure they are high mileage. Theres an 07 petrol for 10. Further up, theres an 07 diesel ghia for 13ish. But thats getting alittle uncomfortable. Im not too worried about resale. I think its a good car, and i will likey be in it till its worth nothign. My other car is a bmw(quite old one), and frequenting thier user forums, some of the new diesels have nightmare stories - turbos going, engines blowing etc. Quite scary. If you say theres no problems with diesels, would one of these higher mileage cars be a good option?
  2. Greeting everyone Im going to buy a galaxy after gettin rid of my c4gp. Anyway, I would like to ask the experts which engine I should get. Do I go for the 2 litre petrol or diesel. The car will be used mainly for short trips, with the occasional longer one. It will do no more than 12k a year. Ive driven the 2.0tdi and v impressed. But was wondering what you all thought of the petrol. Given Ive heard of lots of problems on these modern diesels(BMW etc), do similiar horror stories exist for the ford diesel? appreciate your input. cheers
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