Can anyone advise on this. Driving normally, then the following happened in this order: ABS warning light flickered on and off, then steady on Radio went on and off, along with dashboard lights in that area All lighting inside and out dimming and getting gradually worse, yet no ignition light so I assumed alternator still charging Indicators stopped working All dashboard lighting went Rev counter and speedometer reading incorrectly low Air bag warning light steady on Handbrake warning flashing on and off along with the beeping I think that all these symptoms were indicative of a gradual power loss, even though no igniton light on, and I didn't think I would make it home expecting not to have sufficient power to keep the ignition system alive. However, a bend in the road, and all returned to normal with not a blip since. Could it be an earth connection or is there something more sinister going on. Thanks for any advice. Ace