For all those who have had the aux heater failure please read on. My heater has just failed this morning. First noticed it when I dropped the kids off at school and the rear of the car was surrounded by white smoke with a strong diesel smell. Thought nothing of it as i thought the heater must have just cut in and hadn't quite made temerature as I stopped the car (trying to fool myself I think). The, went into town and stopped at some trafic lights, again the car was surrounded by thick smoke (like a 15 year old transit van MOT failure). The smoke was blowing out of the rear wheel arches. I stopped the car and looked under (engine still running) and the whole area around the heater was billowing in smoke. Couldn't quite tell if it was all out the little exhaust or if some was from the unit it's self. Carried on driving as no fault light on the dash and eventually the heater cut out and smoke stopped. Lots of worried looks from people outside the car before it stopped though. Car is 2 years old but has 68,000 on the clock so out of original warrenty so relying on local dealer to get some good will payment. Does the problem mirror anyone elses and if so what was the fix... mor important what was the cost??