Thanks for replies, any immobiliser/security device can be bypassed/got around if you have enough time to work out how! The thing is to have enough security features on a vehicle with respect to it's value to make any potential thief give up or get desturbed before they succeed. I prefer to have security features that are not going to prevent ME from starting my vehicle, i.e an alarm/imobiliser/secret switch that I have wired in. I believe a diy switch somewhere, is more difficult for professional car thieves than a factory fitted device, im sure that such people will make a point of finding out to bypass standard security devices to go about there crimes. I know from experience what a pain immobiliser's can be as they get older(dry joints etc) I had this problem with a previous vehicle. the immobilser has a 16 pin plug with 16 brown wires going to it, three pairs of wires need bridging and luckily I was able to find this information, otherwise car would have been sold for scrap, as cost of fixing would be more than car is worth. It would be good to know how to bypass in the event of getting stuck somewhere. it's simply a case of determining which circuits are immobilised and getting power to them, should be an interesting project and probably learn a lot about galaxy electris. Thanks Richard oh trust me it can be conned :unsure: I've done it to another of my vehicles, BUT! have upgraded the other security systems on said vehicle to protect it