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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Galaxy 2.0 1995

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  1. So I had a closer look at the secondary air pump and confirmed the motor is open circuit but while I was looking I found the bottom half of the "secondary air injection switching valve" (description from the Haynes manual) has fallen off (surely this can't be good)! Does anyone think it will be OK to blank it off at the EGR pipe? PS: Anyone know what the pipe on top of the switching valve does? BTW I bought my 2.0 GLX new in 1995 and this is its first MOT failure. but thats not to say I haven't been a frequent reader of this forum to resolve its various idiosyncrasies.
  2. Anyone know what wattage bulb is required for this trick to work? I have already wasted money on a Cat to get mine through and wanted to try this (as my pump has failed) before changing the lambda sensor. Thanks, James
  3. Hi All, I have had my Galaxy from new and it has remained generally reliable although suffered a number of faults that I will detail within the new members section, but I come to this site (via Google) in the search of information on my latest problem. The temprature gauge no longer moves out of the cold section (unless stopped in trafic). After searching this site, I have concluded that the thermostat is to blame and want to attempt a replacment if I could only find it! Should I invest in a Haynes manual (as a Christmas present) or give up and take it to a dealer? Thanks in advance for any help. James PS: I am about to go outside to check if it is the thermostat by running the car for a couple of minutes and feeling for heat in the radiator (a tip spotted in another topic). PPS: My wife just noticed on the weather forcast that it's going down to -6 tonight and wants it fixed before the morning!!!
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