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Everything posted by neilb

  1. The coolant is hot and the pipes to and from the header are hot to the touch. How much would a gasket job be? many thanks again
  2. The impeller was complete, no broken bits. This has been doing this for about 4 months now. Strange that the engine temp is normal but the oil temp indicator goes up to about 110 deg and coolant pukes out the overflow. A sniff test would rule out a gasket/head problem, would it not? Thanks all
  3. First question, why did you change Rad,Pump,and Thermostat ? second question, are you getting water in the oil ? Sounds to me as if it has over heated and warped the head(or alike) and pressurizing the water system ! Radiotwo Hi items changed because pump impeller was loose on spindle and radiator was blocked. I have had a sniff test done on coolant, all OK. No suggestion of gasket leak.No sign of water in oil, no brown residue etc
  4. 1.9 TDi engine. Had new rad and water pump and coolant thermostat. VAG shows no problems. After about 40 mins of driving, particularly on Motorway or under load, oil temp gradually rises and coolant leeks out of the small hole at the base of the neck of the header tank. Any ideas most welcome.
  5. many thanks
  6. Sorry if this has been asked before... I have an 51 plate Seat Alhambra TDI SE. Will this see a tax hike in the coming years as threatened by this Govt? Oops, wrong section I think.
  7. Silly Q time....I have a 2001 115 TDI Ally, SE jobby. Is it a PD engine? Ive been sticking 505/01 oil in just in case.
  8. Some advice plse: My Ally is due for a 100k serrvice soon. Im not taking it a my main dealer but to a local garage, yet to be chosen. What sort of price should I be looking for? What things over and above the usual (oil/filter etc) should I ask to be done? Also, my service book shows that at no time since new (2001) has she had the brake fluid changed. Should I get this done? Finally, :) , The cambelt was changed at 76k. When should I look at changing it again? Thanks in anticipation.
  9. Pups now eh?...First the bunnies.........
  10. Mines a "pull up" "push down" (repeat several times very quickly) type of knob. :)
  11. try here: http://uk.cars.yahoo.com/050921/36/t1/1ycwh.html
  12. Mmmm, Seatkid will be able to help no doubt.
  13. Why do you call the Police "filth"?
  14. Yes, 16" rims. My SE ally has one huge extra over all those above......me driving it!!! LOL B) ;)
  15. Nice work Graham and many thanks.Nice to see another member taking time to photo and post their work. Perhaps the admin/a mod could create a subsection in this forum for these handy "walkthroughs". They could then all me moved and pinned there.They would be easier to find all in one place than having to word search. Just a thought!!!!
  16. Sorry to bump an old post....raymac,try a generous squirt of WD40 around the spindle (prise up the plastic cover over the spindle end) whilst wiper is on. It cured my sticky wiper sweep. May need to do it every copule of months.
  17. Go for a diesel deffo, and a SEAT if you can find one, you tend to get more gadgets on a SEAT that the other ones. Ive seen a V reg VW Sharan in the Essex area on a forecourt for about 3.5K. Try www.autotrader.co.uk Also, go for a private seller if poss, cheaper than dealer or garages. GL. Let us all know what you manage to find.
  18. Does the DAN radio work well? I have a DAB unit in my house. If its a great improvement I may get a DAB unit and fit the b sting.
  19. Has anyone successfully fitted an aftermarket FM aerial to their Gal/Ally/Sharan? The integrated one on my Ally is crap, I have checked the poweradapter etc. Im thinking of fitting a more orthodox aerial. Any suggestions/pics?? Ta muchly <_<
  20. Has anyone fitted one of these? Are they any good? Any views welcome. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TDI-TUNING-Chip-Box-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  21. Ta, will email them and hope for the best. :D
  22. Could someone suggest a good source for a rear wiper motor for a 2001 Alhambra.? SEAT have quoted me
  23. Sorry all, ignore above........Im just ploughing through the existing posts on this matter. Sorry again.
  24. Hello I have a 2001 Alhambra TDI. Ive noticed recently that when I have my foot on the brake pedal (whilst stationary), it slowly sinks towards to the floor. havent waited to see how far it goes...too scared!! Brake fluid level is all OK. Any ideas?
  25. I had this problem a while back after changing front pads. Rears OK. If it still beeps at you, disconnect the sensor plugs and tape up safely. Rely on old fashioned visual inspections. More trouble than its worth IMHO.
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