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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Bronty

  1. Hi Bob, Yes you can. With plenty of space to spare for getting your hands down between the seats to fasten the buckles on the boosters. I have a 52 reg 1.9 TDi and have one normal child seat, fastened in with the seat belt and a 5 point harness for the child, plus two high back boosters across the middle row and there's plenty of room. I also find it is easier to fix the normal child seat in as you can get right on top of it when tightening the seatbelt. The only problem I found was that with some seats didn't seem to fit very tightly. I got a Britax Evolva 123 and had to go back to the shop to get it fitted properly. I wasn't putting enough weight on it to get it tight as the seat cushions are well padded and have a lot of give in them. Now as I know what I'm doing though I have no problem fitting it back in. Hi That sounds great! Thanks. Are you happy with the Galaxy? Bob
  2. Bob Don't see any reason why not All seats have 3 point seat belt fixing so all types will go in securely if it was me i would put booster seat in the middle seat of row, and then baby seat (facing backwards) behind drivers seat (so that front seat passenger can easily see child) and baby seat behind passenger seat Let us know Dave Yes best layout as also need to get baby in and our easily with booster seat the most narrow of them fitting in most easily. Current car has isofix seats which are great and the most secure option, but I think latest 3 point fixed ones are now on a par. Thanks for input.
  3. Hi All First time on this sort of thing. Looking at an ex demo galaxy as another kid on the way. Can you get three child seats across the middle row? 1 child in a booster seat, 1 in a normal child seat and one in a baby seat? Presumably you all on here will be positive towards Galxies, but what can be recommended about them as a family wagon? Looking at the diesel automatic ghia. I hope some of you may be able to offer some pointers. Thanks Bob
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