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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by michelle

  1. Hi was wondering for some help if possible. We have a 2001 1.9 tdi galaxy and for some time the heaters do not blow hot air only on the very odd occasion. Also for the last couple of weeks the car has been very sluggish to start and when it does white smoke bellows out first of all then is all right but the temp gauge goes straight up to 90 as soon as the ignition is turned on. Today we have had the car at a ford garage for a diagnostics which came back with nothing that we didnt already know (back windscreen heater not working and heaters not working but no reason why). Have been looking on here and have seen it could be coolant temp sensor and/or impellor on water pump but would these not show on a diagnostics test. If it is these are they dear to buy and can the impellor be fixed without having the whole water pump replaced. Thanks :(
  2. I have a galaxy 1.9 tdi 115 bhp and we had the same kind of whirring noie when we accelerated, this had been going on for a while and also if my husband drove he seemed to lose power if he went to 60 or over. Anyway today we started the car and loads of white smoke came out and also carried on white smoking alot when driving and there is a different noise now and has lost a lot of oil but there is no leaks (he only filled it up last week). Could the turbo have gone or could it be something else? Thanks
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