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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by NeilTindle

  1. Thanks. Another little job for tomorrow.
  2. The driver's door window has come off its runners and stuck open. I can't see how to get the door panel off without breaking it. Any clues? Thanks Neil
  3. It wasn't the MAF sensor but it was the catalytic converter. What a transformation, it's like driving a proper car now. That for the advise. :unsure:
  4. Didn't get it off this evening due to the weather but there's definately something loose in there which is probably blocking in the outlet from the cat. Not sure what caused it to fail but it seemed to happen over relatively short time.
  5. As far as I'm aware it still on the original cam belt so the valve timing should be as it left the factory. It's done 68k is it due for a new cam belt yet? Your suggestion on the collapsed cat is what I suspect. I've got another cc which I'll fit this evening and let you know.
  6. I've always thought it was gutless but have posted messages on here and concluded that's how they are and as it's the wife car I wasn't too worried about it. But now it's virtually undriveable. It starts and ticks over ok. First couple of hundred yards are ok then loses power and won't rev. It will eventually get up to 45mph on a light throttle. If I floor it, it just makes it worse. The engine seems to run very hot, not coolant temperature but exhaust temp, to the extent that the manifold glows red. I now suspect the cat converter.
  7. After what seemed to be typical symptoms of a failed MAF sensor I've replaced it and it's no better. I've tried disconnecting the battery to clear the memory and it seems to be better until the ECM starts to make adjustments to the basic settings and makes it worse again. It seems as though one of the sensors, but not the MAF is giving spurious information to the ECM. Which is the next most likely cause? I've also read that it could be a loose vacuum hose but where to look?
  8. GSF had two alternatives. Both were about the same price as the genuine Ford item at
  9. So if I've ready done a search and can't find the answer, it's a secret? :)
  10. This has probably been asked before but where is the best place to get a replacement MAF sensor for a '96 2.0 petrol Galaxy? I see GSF do them but not sure if they're for petrol. Doesn't seem to be any on ebay at the the moment either. Ta
  11. Yes, it does have a MAF. I've read on here that it seems to cause a lot of problems. Is it possible to check or repair it?
  12. Oh dear. I was hoping it was something simple to fix, not 'they're all like that Sir'.
  13. I know this is for people 'thinking of buying a Galaxy' but I've got a question about one I've just bought. Previously I had a R*****t 2.2 Turbo diesel which I thought went very well even though it had done 215000 miles. The petrol Galaxy 2.0 GLXon the other hand has done 59000 and couldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding. I wasn't expecting the same diesel grunt but think it should go better than it does. It seems to rev ok if I wait long enough but there's just no oomph. Is this how it is with a Galaxy and I should get used to rice pudding with skin on. The wife on the other hand thinks it's great.
  14. They look original but I can't see where they were fitted or what they did. There doesn't seem to be anything loose that needs to be clipped in place. Could be for the bonnet release cable I suppose. I agree with you Fred they are a horrible way to fix anything to a painted surface. I think these were fitted onto a plastic part though. Perhaps I'll just put them in the glove box for now.
  15. Do you mean these? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v43/Marvel/DSC00704.jpg[/img]
  16. As a newbie '96 Galaxy 2.0 GLX owner I've got 101 questions about our new car. Here's the first. I was having a poke about under the bonnet like you do with a new car and thought I'd have look at the air filter to see if it had been changed during the 'service' it was given before we took delivery. To get to the front clip on the air box the plastic cover over the back of the headlight needs to be removed. This uncovered the wires to the back of the headlight which were routed all wrong. No problem to sort that but there was this clip attached to the wire but not anything else. No problem I'll work out where that supposed to go when I put it back together. Carry on taking off the air box and find another one loose inside the airbox! Can ayone tell me where they are supposed to fit? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v43/Marvel/DSC00700.jpg[/img]
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