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About davie

  • Birthday 03/03/1979

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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy Ghia X
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  • Location
    Galashiels scottish borders

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Member (2/8)



  1. HI i have the same problem but the battery was never connected the wrong way round i have found that i have a few problems 1 no central locking/remote or by key 2 no intermittent and 1st speed wipers 3 no interior light 4 no hazard lights 5 no indicators i tried to change the control module above the fuses but still the same. any help will be much appreciated RESULT!!!!!!! I spent a while this morning and have sorted my problem I had a broken wire at the battery terminal that caused all sorts of untold headaches the attached picture shows the small wire that i reconnected with a red ring connector
  2. HI i have the same problem but the battery was never connected the wrong way round i have found that i have a few problems 1 no central locking/remote or by key 2 no intermittent and 1st speed wipers 3 no interior light 4 no hazard lights 5 no indicators i tried to change the control module above the fuses but still the same. any help will be much appreciated
  3. I found one on ebay the lad had bought it to convert his mk5 escort rs 2000 but never did Not got the stuff on ebay as never have time I got a garage of various spares for different cars just sitting there every time i remember i aint got my camera with me. When i bought the car the fella said the gas works perfectly and when i tried to drive home it only worked on petrol. i got a mile from home and the temp gauge went to cold and the red warning light came on. Closer inspection the heater hose had came off a t-piece for the gas. This happened twice and the second time i got a puff o blue smoke out the rear and that was the start of the headaches. So no more gas conversions for me i think
  4. I think we do. I have binned the lpg as i fitted a new engine and when started it the engine was miss firing checked and changed plugs coil pack and anything else i could think off. i decided to cut the lpg system out and had to rewire the injectors proper pain in the arse. Turned the key and run sweet as a nut. New engine cost 400 buks and only had 62,000 on it. Old engine had done 142,000. I hate to think how much i spent on gaskets and everything else before i bought the engine.
  5. Hey your problem sounds like the very one i had a couple o months ago. I thought the head gasket had gone so took head off got the whole thing skimmed and got a new set of head bolts and a head gasket set to put the thing back together then noticed one of the pistons had a chunk missing from the top edge and a cylinder bore had a mark on the side like there was something stuck to it. Closer investigation reveled the piston had a hole in the side. Check the piston on the left. Best bet is take head off but it does take a bit of work and take a look. I have got a spare head complete timing chain and tensioner head bolts and gasket for sale if needed
  6. I finally found out why my gal was misfiring when i bought it around a month ago it came fitted with a gas conversion and ran great but i started to grow a misfire so i changed the plugs then the 2 plug leads the 2 coil packs and even the O2 sensor, no change i was going round checking every sensor conection whilst doing this i noticed that the manifold for the gas was loose so removed it and the car has run great since. It must have been drawing air between the two manifolds so causing the fuel mix to be weak.
  7. not really run it on the gas as not that impressed with the way it has been fitted(before i bought the gal) where is the oxy sensor about? give me a pinto or cvh no worries but there is to much electronics for me nowadays
  8. I have a 2.3 mk 1 gal with a gas conversion and wont run properly a misfire when under load and a flat spot in the power around 4000 rpm. I have a draper expert fault code reader but it says it does the gal from 01 onwards but i still tried it and it came up with 3 faults so i reset it and it keeps showing code P 0135 so i compared it to the codes i have and it say's "O2 sensor heater circuit bank 1 sensor 1" does anyone understand what this could be as i am getting ready to take it to FORD!!!!!
  9. Hi i am new on here and have a question about my mk1 galaxy 2.3 ghia x the car coughs and bangs and doesn't idle right till it has warmed up i have changed the coil packs and it got a little better any ideas on what to try or what vag-com equipment i would need to find out the fault cheers to anyone that can help
  10. Hello to all members my name is dave ford i have recently bought my first ford galaxy it is a 1998 S reg ghia x 2.3 petrol with gas conversion
  11. Hi i am new on this site as only joined today (sunday) Ave been reading on how to program the key fob and i can get the fob to flash but not the led in the drivers door does this mean that the fob is not transmitting. I have 2 new batteries in the fob so i know they are ok cheers dave
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