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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy 1.9 tdi
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  1. I put my 2001 1.9 tdi Galaxy in to the local garage so they could find the source of a fuel leak. Later in the day I got a phone call from them to inform me that the leak was coming from the puel pump and this would cost me
  2. I had the same problem of the ABS light coming on on my 2001 Mk2 Galaxy, a few months ago. Turned out it was the front nearside ABS sensor that had thrown its hand in. I did the repair myself and it was a pain to remove the old sensor as it was stuck fast due to dirt and rust...even though the sensor is plastic encased ! I eventually had to destroy the sensor to get it out by first drilling a series of holes in it, and then breaking it up with a screwdriver and removing it piece by piece. The new one cost me
  3. UPDATE: Just an upadte on the situation regarding my aircon problem. I went ahead and bought a new condenser, fitted it (which was fairly straightforward) and had it re-gassed by a local garage. It's been a month now and all is still working well, now all I need is some decent weather to put the naircon to the test. :unsure: Oh! and I the O rings didn't come with the condenser so I had to buy them from my local dealer at
  4. Thanks for the reply, MrT. I've sourced a brand new condenser on the interweb from here http://www.autoairconparts.co.uk/ at
  5. My MkII 2001 Galaxy 1.9tdi air con is losing it's gas over a period of 2 to 3 days. I've had it re-gassed and leak tested twice (the second time being free of charge) only to see it leak out again. All pipes (and conections that are visible) didn't reveal any dye leaks-exept for some dye down the sides of the charging point in the pipework, but I guess this could have occured when the dye was added to the system during a re-gas. I've also had a new compressor fitted after discovering that the clutch had fallen off the old one and damaged the splined shaft in the process ! I removed the cap on top of the dryer which revealed some light corrosion but no signs of any dye, neither can I see any signs of dye on the condenser fins. So now I'm considering buying a new condenser, as suggested earlier in this thread, and having a go at fitting it myself. Before I do though... could such a slow leak be coming from the condenser or could it be another component ?
  6. I need to replace the air con compressor pump on my 2001 1.9 tdi Galaxy. Are the pipe/electrical connections, fixing holes etc the same for all years of Mk2 Galaxy ? I've seen a few pumps for sale on Ebay, taken off various years of Mk2 1.9 tdi Galaxy, and don't want to buy one only to discover it won't fit.
  7. I have a strange sound coming from the engine compartment on my 2001 Mk2 1.9 tdi Ford Galaxy (AUY engine). It sounds like it is coming from the offside of the car and occurs when I dip the clutch, although I have noticed it when slowing down and not touching the clutch. It usually happens at around 2000rpm and below 30mph, I say usually, as it doesn't always occur ??? The sound can be best described as being like a partially dry bearing spinning and slowing as I depress the clutch or slow the vehicle.
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