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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by cotter

  1. I keep telling myself that I love our Gal, but there are days when I seriously doubt myself.......... 97 TDi, bought last year as the doggie runaround. Stupidly bought from a family mate, supposedly fault free Aircon doesn't work, got a leak somewhere and not worth the hassle of trying to fix it Rattles generally like a goodun Front speakers have decided to stop working I'd be quicker walking - it's hardly a chariot of fire lol Changed the MAF sensor last week and it's still not running right, and now getting code 575 But then, on the other side of the coin All three dogs fit in the back with plenty room (three greyhounds) It regularly takes us from Aberdeen to Lincolnshire without any grumbles Pulls from pretty much no revs in any gear, nice and lazy driving lol So today, I'm liking it, but ask me again tomorrow............ That said, when we change it, it'll most probably be for the same again. Father in law has had to give up driving, and has offered us his V6 4*4 Ghia X, seriously tempted.......... ;)
  2. I fitted Kenwood 17s, and they were a direct fit, easy job. Now I just have to fix the bust wire in both front doors that have bust since fitting the speakers.............. ;)
  3. Hi all Thought it was about time I said hello, having lurked (and learned a helluva lot - really useful info on here!) for the last while. We've got a 97 Gal TDi Ghia, bought as a second runaround and general doggie mobile (have three large greyhouhnds for our sins). I like to keep our cars clean (regularly on Detailingworld for anyone who knows it), and the bus tends to be my test bed for new products. It has its niggles (don't they all), and its now throwing up code 575, so I'm in the process of trying to eliminate the possible problems. Great to find so much useful info on here - thanks! ;)
  4. Can I be naughty and up my count on here as well, as I have the same problem? ;)
  5. My Mk1 Gal does the same, intermittently, but like you, only when braking if the sidelights are on. Haven't really worried about it TBH as the lights are fine, just put it down to another of its little foibles lol
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