Hi, I'm obviously new to your forum as I'm posting in here. I appreciate people come in, ask a question, get their answer and clear off again. It's not my intention - I've just bought a Galaxy and so will enjoy being on here a fair bit in the future. But of course, I am having a problem with my car and I'm hoping one of the many experts on here may be able to help... When we first picked our car up, I opened the rear passenger door and strapped my baby boy into his seat but after half a minute, his door locked (even though it was open) and shortly after, the alarm started going off. I figured at the time I would look into it later. Anway, 3 weeks went by and we found every time we were strapping him in, the door would lock so we'd have to either unlock again with the remote - or open the driver's door a nick and this would stop it happening. Last night, we got back from friends late and when the wife opened her door (passenger front) I noticed the interior light didn't come on - but it did when I opened the driver's door. I soon figured the problem with the doors locking themselves and the interior light failing to come on were related. One quick look in the owners manual and I read that the doors will relock themselves within 30 seconds of unlocking if no doors have been opened. It was late & dark by then - and I'm currently stuck in the office all day so can't go look at it so I'm hoping someone could post up a couple of possible things to check? I guess the first port of call would be the door switches - but it seems odd two of them would fail? I looked thru the manual but couldn't see that it would be a blown fuse somewhere (but maybe just looked in the wrong place)...So if anyone can offer up some suggestions, I would be very grateful. My biggest fear at the moment is opening one of the passenger side doors, putting my keys on the seat without thinking and then closing the door... Thanks to all for any help - and sorry for the length of my first post. Something I always tend to do is drone on and finally get to the point! Cheers ;) 2004 Ford Galaxy Zetec 1.9TDi