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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Goofygolfer

  1. could be broken wires in the rubber boot between door and pillar. a common culprit for leccy windows central locking problems :unsure:
  2. that does look fun :o :D but would hate to have an engine prob half way across :P
  3. climate control will regulate the temp automatically to your set preferance, air conditioning will need manual adjustments to regulate the temp.
  4. happy days and a fairly cheap fix too :46: :46:
  5. would not be keen on having 4 odd tyres fitted, matched pairs is a minimum.
  6. will this fit a SONY CD/MP3,, MODEL C307/C214/MP3/RDS out of the 06 on mondeo??? are the plugs the same?? isnt this a double din unit where as the ford 5000 is din and a half dont think the wiring is the same anyway.
  7. sounds like a clogged or soggy pollen filter?
  8. did this for my kids was fantastic watching their little faces
  9. needs plugging into vag com to see what fault codes are stored. i assume you have checked fluid level?
  10. soggy pollen filter?
  11. did you change the ecu with the engine?
  12. ooh we are not allowed to mention such discs due to copywrite and such, unlike the dodgy people on EBAY who are quite openly selling them for under a fiver :lol:
  13. Hi Maz, Nice to see you back, I have also been missing for a while. I love these "love spammers", I can just picture this guy sitting in his mud hut in Africa, thinking up sad stories about his or her life. Well he has come to the right site for that. We should all send him our sad stories about owning a ford Galaxy, tell him how we have been mistreated by main ford dealers, how we get ripped off for spare parts and how much we pay for diesel. Tell him our cars need a major operation and could he please send some money, or my poor old ganny won't be able to put her wheelchair in the back of the Galaxy and go out to the seaside. We could send him pictures of our rusty old cars and he could send us a picture of his new BMW he bought with the money he ripped off from some poor lonely heart in Scotland. This could be fun, let's all give it ago, his mail box would be jammed with crap, just like he is sending us. Big wheel. lmao brilliant idea ;) :D
  14. no its not a ford changer its def a vw one with rectanglular 12pin plug as opposed to the ford square 12 plug.
  15. it is indeed a vw changer, i believe any vw changer will fit providing it has a 12 pin rectangle connector, the wiring should be in place under the cubby hole where the changer sits. just remove the cover to the jack compartment and it should be visible above the wheel arch.
  16. hi you got to be looking at about
  17. love the engine sound :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :unsure:
  18. Oops 2 nervy weeks, waiting for that nasty letter to drop through your letterbox. :unsure: :unsure:
  19. do you have a spare key you could try? ,just to rule out a duff pats chip.
  20. Leave the bleed nipple alone, if its getting too full open a different one! I managed to turn the calipers in with some long nose pliers! i used the locking tool from an angle grinder.
  21. I take it you have checked all relevant fuses? is there power to the heater motor?
  22. looks better :16: :16: :16:
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