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Everything posted by peteread

  1. Can anyone tell me where the rear wash/wipe relay is situated on a '98 Gal and wat number is on the relay?...according to frauds its 72 or R2 but bin behind fuse board and there isn't one with dat number on it.
  2. thanks for that seatkid
  3. soz seatkid 2.8i v6 ghia x 4x4 r plate 97
  4. So if my clutch packs are going are we talking major overhaul or can they just be replaced or can they be adjusted?
  5. He put it in a though it was empty and then top it up by listening to it. I did ask how he could tell with which he replied 'by the sound'. Apparently he has done a motor apprenticeship wiv an enginnering company in London and spent a year on tranmissions alone. So I wasn't going to question him!!
  6. I must have been ripped of last year, bought dunlop 2020's from rapid fit
  7. Yes its that topic again. Had major hose burst a few weeks back, some of you might of read it, gearbox has developed a nasty gearchange from 2nd to 3rd. Just before it changes the revs it shoots upto 3750 to 4000 before actually engaging 3rd gear. No other problems. Now I was wandering if it is either not enough tran oil put in or too much because the guy that done it never took out the drain plug to see if the oil went over the overflow pipe. The car has done 500 miles since with no sign of this problem. I am hoping its not a sign of the gearbox going. Any ideas guys? By the way spent all day on internet looking for possible faults and looked through the forum, nothing...lol
  8. Before I had a new chip fitted into my key the windows would open when I depressed the open button on my key and also closed all the windows when depressing the closing button. Now after have the key reprogrammed this does not seem to work! Anyone got any ideas or will I have to take the car back to the place where I got it reprogrammed?
  9. Its still going but,yes but, it has developed a problem as 2 say it revs high before going into 3rd from 2nd as though the gear doesn't engaged. Does anyone have any ideas?
  10. I've only got a 2007R with 2060 multi cd player, I was wandering if any knows if this unit will play mp3's on any disc type?
  11. Can anyone tell me whether my cd player in my Gal can play a DVD disk with mp3's on it?
  12. Well to put everyone out of their misery, the car is fixed with no lasting damage. Your asking urselves wat was it...well when I bought the car, the said he had the gearbox reconned, well who ever replaced the pipes to and from the oil cooling radiator put it round the radiator strut and not through the availiable hole. Yes I know wat ur thinking, cowboys, this cause the pipes to rub on the strut and cut through. Hence all the oil came gushing out and travelling at 70mph,haha, forced the oil backwards and in the engine compartment. So I would like to thank everyone with their suggestions.
  13. but did u have transmission oil all down the passenger side and on the rear of the car, also all in the left hand side of the engine compartment?
  14. got a guy coming out he rekons that it is possible a pipe with that much oil...ta 4 that MM
  15. I was travelling on the motorway doing 70mph on bank holiday Monday, when a big plume of smoke came from the back of the car. travelled for about a 1/2 mile then all drive went, coasted form about 1/2 mile on hard shoulder. Recovery lorry came out and he said it was gearbox oil, looking under the bonnet it was everwhere and under the car. Now heres the question has anyone had this problem or does anyone know what the problem can be eg gearbox failure, hose burst blown out plug? I am desperate at the moment because I am 250 miles from home!!!
  16. can anyone tell me if this a part number for climatronic control unit UHM/28949-1?
  17. not add da time yet especially wiv 4 kids..lol I know all the more reason to get out there!!!!
  18. can anyone tell me where I can download A TIS for my Gal?
  19. thats magic vr6galaxy now all I have to do is remove the Temperature flap servo motor...fun ahead
  20. and if someone can tell me the part number for the climatronic control unit would be helpful...ta
  21. I do believe I have stumped everyone :lol:
  22. heres the pic vr6galaxy http://www.citroenpicasso.org.uk/picasso/uploads/post-34-1115736464.gif
  23. Hi I have a 2.8 V6 4x4 GhiaX '98 Gal and it has developed a problem with the heating, well lets just say it ain't working in either the front or back. It flashes for 15 secs which tells me theres a fault but how can I determine whether its the relay, heat resistor or the climate control unit itself without using a vag-com?
  24. Can anyone help me in posting pictures on posts?
  25. so the relay is in the blue box and the motor for the hot/cold flap is in the red?
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