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  1. tp1_1uk it seems to be a bit slow on focus forum but here goes, I believe its 80k Kind Regards Alan
  2. Hi Everyone Here`s update Well tested every wire that goes into central locking I could find the unlock wire but couldnt find lock wire. So went to Maplins and bought central locking kit fitted a motor to drivers side works with the current system so now I have 2 control units coupled up the new remote system to new control module and hey presto new remote central locking system that also uses current moters on car so no messsing about with other doors and if a motor gives up then I have spairs . easy fit and not standard ford system so it can have any alarm system and imobilizer. With Kind Regards Alan
  3. Thank`s Bleeno so no one as a clue I know if you dissconect the drivers door wiring at door pillar the rest lock. so doing a test means taking the drivers door card off and checking to see which ones control locking from drivers side. I have looked at TIS well confusing is a understatment On google search it came up with a focus wiring list that say`s wich wire is power lock and which is power lock s but its for none UK models but if ford are still the same then they wont have changed any wiring but will check when its a bit warmer. Kind Regards Alan
  4. Hi Any help appriciated, I have a 2001 focus and I want to fit my own remote system to car all wires are sorted but trying to find the the wire that locks and the one that closes on locking system. I have had a look at the central locking module on driver side under dash to see which one it is, any help to save me freezing while testing all wires to find them. With Kind Regards Alan
  5. After my experience with the Galaxy Auto :lol: I have just got myself a very nice Focus 1.6 Auto Estate with a complete full service history. Sorry to all that have Galaxy`s but my nerve`s cannot handle another. And Thanks guy`s for help and support. so will be in Focus forum from now :D Kind Regards Alan
  6. Hi All Insurance phoned this afternoon :rolleyes: Right Sir it will cost a Total of
  7. Hi everyone as some of you know and thank you to you all when I required help for my Automatic Galaxy. Well It works fine after a
  8. A verry merry Xmas and a happy new year every one :rolleyes:
  9. cheers sounds like mine thought I was only one to get crap like that. Thanks for number will check it out, mine whent into garage was supposed to take 2-3 days took a week and had to go back my air bag light is on cannot prove it, is still on till new year untill I get round to looking at it. I think wife is right when you mention auto they drop your trousers bend you over and insert a very large item. Have nice xmas and all best for new year. Alan
  10. Hi Breakit You say it changes from 5th to 4th ? I have a 1995 2ltr auto just cost me
  11. Tuesday 16th December. When to gearbox company who kindly did a invoice with all info on great company and staff. Drove to dealers and whent into office seceratry sat there boss left for holodays gave her copy of invoice now she took 1hr 30 mins to check to see if the company was legal and tax regesterd I did in end have to tell here her how to do it. See then gave me a very nice cheque with everything to the penny I:E
  12. you are right Just printed the agreement of and will find out in morning if its another scam. will phone secratery to see if he as sayed owt and if yes telling her i am coming in with letter and she can sigh it before i leave/ and she says she knows nowt about it i am straight into court building and start prosseding cos me getting fed with this guy, Watch this space next installment tomorrow or today looking at clock Kind regards Alan
  13. Update, Had a talk with the dealer he as checked to see what it would cost him if I had returned the vehicle to him, when the problem first appeared which I told him bt records showed I did phone him and was told by his staff that it wasnt covered under warranty. So after a good chat, He as verbaly agreed to meet the cost of half which I agreed was fare "now no laughing" he is going away tomorrow so if I take in a copy of the invoice from gearbox company then is secratary is supposed to give me a cheque for
  14. cheers gregers. I have allways been the one to accept what I was given, never pushed a issue due to me thinking I should have known better. But thanks to you and others I am begining to see that I should stand up for what is right, The dealer should bare some reponsabilty for what as happened if he rings will push the issue if he doesnt ring then will go to court site to go to next step. Kind Regards Alan
  15. Ok anyone question ? Should I accept half the total I:E
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