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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by chriso

  1. Hi guys, our automatic galaxy wouldnt start and so the RAC towed it to a garage, suspecting petrol pump. In fact it was a faulty key which wouldnt disengage the immobilzer.
  2. The old Gal is showing her age (1997 2.3 Auto GLX) and following attention from the garage to rid her of a flock of budgies under the bonnet has been sulking for the last 6 months with a loud low pitched whine that rises with revs from under the bonnet. Other posts make me wonder if it is bearings in the alternator on the way out. Before I take it to my local garage and hold my breath again, does anyone have similar sequence of events/experience/views on this? Any idea how long it takes to die and is it dangerous when it does? Any idea on how much it costs to supply and fit a replacement? While on the subject, it's always been quick to run the cooling fan even when the engine has been running for only a couple of mins - could there be a connection there or is it just general wear and tear? thanks for all your replies. Best wishes Chris
  3. Matt, thanks for the advice. I have tried gently moving the gold springy things forward but still no dice. BigDaddy - it's a 2006R RDS. I will go looking for the fuse at the back of the head unit(I presume). Please can you advise on how to get it out or is it accessible some other way? regards, Chris
  4. The Ford Radio Cassette on our 97 2.3 GL Galaxy has stopped working. I have checked/replaced fuses. Nothing else electrical in cabin has stopped working. I have cleaned gold looking contacts on the thing that flips out to carry around with you when you leave the car - still nothing. Interestingly the red flashing light that is behind the flip out thing is working so looks like the unit is getting power. The liquid crystal display on the flip out thing has stopped working. does it have it's own internal battery? The backlight for the flip out thing stopped working a couple of years ago but thats a side issue. I quite like the silence in the car rather than listen to inane banter on radio 1 but the kids are starting to revolt <_< thanks for all your help in advance. Chris
  5. just reporting back after a couple of months later to tell you what it was. the vibration got worse, but RAC and the local tyre 'experts' couldn't fathom it. They and I were all looking in the wrong place! Today decided to swap backs with fronts just to rule out the tyre thing once and for all before handing it over to Dagenham Motors to do their best and what do I find on the back tyre - huge flat spot and metal coming through right on the inside where it's really hard to see without taking the wheel off. Put spare on and evrything back to normal. Anyone reading this who has an odd vibration, promise me you will take all the tyres off and give them a really good look - it might just save you life.
  6. Guys, lots of great advice as usual from this forum - thanks very much. I willl check it all out this weekend and report back - regards, Chris
  7. Hi guys, I have a 1997 2.3 Auto GLX - Petrol Galaxy which has started to vibrate over 50mph. It doesn't seem to be vibrating through the steering column, rather the whole car seems to be shaking. I have checked tyre pressures and all is normal. It may be coincedence but after it passed it's MOT in July we took it on hols to France, covering 2,000 miles towing a trailer and 6 bikes plus the six of us. The vibration started towards the end of the holiday. Could we have overloaded/stressed it in some way? I would be really grateful if someone could tell me of a few things I can check myself rather than hold my breath and take it to a garage. Could be as simple as tracking alignment being out? regards, Chris
  8. Thanks guys for confirming my suspicions and passing on the links. I like the idea of suggesting I watch them fit it too! :ph34r: regards, Chris
  9. Just had my 1997 2.3 Auto GLX - Petrol, MOT'd and the garage (not a Ford dealer) said I should get my cam belt changed soon (offering to do it for
  10. Thanks VR6Galaxy - you have filled me with confidence to have a go. :unsure:
  11. Hello, I need to replace my brake light switch as it's stopping us selecting drive etc. on the automatic gearbox. I have got a new switch and am confused by other threads talking about some kind of ratchet mechanism. To get the old one out, do I twist/pull or something else? If anyone else has accomplished this feat of dexterity I would appreciate you taking the time to describe it. Kind regards, Chris
  12. Thanks for your advice guys - spot on and with pictures too - excellent. Saves sneaking down to Halfords and trying to break into a Haynes manual for a peak without paying! Happy motoring. Best regards, Chris
  13. Hello guys, have lived with a non functioning digitil clock backlight on my Galaxy (98 plate GL) for a few years now. But now have found this great web site wondered if anyone knows how to change it. I have tried pulling back the whole cowling thingy that contains all the buttons for the sunroof etc and the clock but don't know how far I can go before it all comes apart in my hands. Anyone got any advice please? regards, Chris
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