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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by deadpool2e

  1. Don't know - someone else will have to come along with that info - I may look it up later if I have time. Cheers if you do . :unsure:
  2. Yeah goes straight to 130 from start. Is it the sensor at the bottom of the bottle behind the battery? And then goes down then up again very intermittently....its a pain in the ass
  3. I have this problem also on a 2001 tdi 1.9 but mine goes all the way to 130 and says stop and check coolant. The engine is not over heating and coolant is fine. Any ideas? Does it from cold also...
  4. I have this problem also on a 2001 tdi 1.9 but mine goes all the way to 130 and says stop and check coolant. The engine is not over heating and coolant is fine. Any ideas? Does it from cold also...
  5. also is it easy to replace the vacuum pipes? i have also noticed a loss of power, could this be related? Cheers Mark
  6. Can anyone tell me where the servo is exactly on a mk2 tdi galaxy and where to find the vacuum pipes as i now have this problem.
  7. I am about to change mine also. does anyone know where you 2 O rings go (1 large the other very small) ? Cheers
  8. would the car not start if the turbo had gone? how can i check 100% to know if it is the turbo?
  9. BTW what would you say is a reasonable price to pay with a warranty of some sort?
  10. Just looked at TIS and it says i have to take the engine of the mounts? Can i do it with out all that bother. If i can i can probley do it myself
  11. Cheers for that. How would i know if debris has been drawn into the intake system?? Thanks again
  12. Just got of phone to local Fraud garage and they quoted
  13. Hi all, Yesterday was driving home from inlaws along motorway and started to hear a noise when I put my foot on the accelerator (sounded like helicopter blades) then lost all power. I thought it must be the turbo, called the AA out and when I restarted it loads of smoke came from the back. AA man said it
  14. OK I got the tray of and the oil was on the bottom rad, but it is all dry around the whole area now i have cleaned it of (battery side of rad) any ideas??
  15. Is the oil cooler easy to change ?? and is it costly? cheers
  16. Hi, I have a oil leak at the front right hand side of the car (if you stand looking at it) It looks like it is under the rad. Question 1) What tools do i need to take the uner sheild off and any tips for doing this. 2) Any idea what the leak could be from? Cheers
  17. Oh well looks like its well and truely Kernacked. Will book into the the ford garage :blink:
  18. a vw dealer wanted
  19. Right i have taken the thermostat out and stuck my finger in to feel the impellor and i could turn it buy finger easy, does this mean its knackered??? Got a quote for water pump and cambelt from frauds
  20. Cheers Nikpv I will have to do that. I will let you know the result in a couple of days.
  21. OK is it easy to fix myself?? and where is the water pump located??
  22. Yes had symptoms before thermostat change. Cheers anyway. If it is the water pump (is there anyway of checking), can I change this myself or is it a workshop job???
  23. Hi all, My Galaxy has developed a problem with overheating once on the motorway. It
  24. ordered clock spring as hopefully its that. do i have to take the whole steering wheel of to fit? Could anyone do a idots guide to fitting it?? Cheers
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