they are worst in the world i think you have to get second hand/new linkages motors way to small for the huge arms they have to swing ive striped mine down twice now filed the bugger out of spindles wont sieze now!!! loads of waterproof grease.thing is motor and design of linkage is absolute rubbish apart from that car is brilliant just hope it dont rain !!!ha ha ...
i would say something to do with relay again or something dislodged when fitting said relay..its a mess in there might pay to look in again and push everything thing in its place just in case.
Id go windscreen mine went at both top corners could push screen away fron body work not good fixed it with black sikaflex never had a problem since 2.5 years ago.
ive a mk2 windscreen leaks real bad on these..both top corners had come away from rubber beading, rubbish design.i took inside and outside trim off/away and cleaned /dried then rebedded with black sealent been good now for early 2 years...