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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Andy JG

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Everything posted by Andy JG

  1. I had to replace one of mine rear calipers -
  2. Thanks SwFsnapper! Your post helped me sort out my ABS today. (Galaxy 2.3 1997) The past couple of weeks the right offside wheel has had a judder from the ABS kicking in, usually at lower speeds. Very unnerving. However, it wasn't constant - very intermittent. Also my ABS light wasn't lighting up on the dash-board. Haynes manual not much help, and I feared an expensive trip to the garage. Having read your article I decided to have a look-see myself. (I'm a DIY mechanic, can change discs and brakes, even the odd timing belt. ) Looking at the CV joint I could see the ABS Sensor (mine also was rusted in place) and the ring that it senses. This ring had a break in it (as was yours), thus I knew what the problem was. The ring is a soft metal, and easily snaps. Following your instructions I was able to glue (Araldite) it in place - a very very messy process, and not easy. The wire around to hold it in place is a good idea as the ring doesn't snap into place as it's bent and not very elastic. My ABS now works. A question - your repair was a year ago: is it still holding fast? Second Q - if the repair fails and the ring falls apart, will the brakes still work do you think (enough to get home). Much appreciated the article! Andy
  3. Hi, It's good to find this forum. I've had a galaxy 2.3 for 10 years now and it's done good service upto 110K. Serviced regular etc. Recently I've had one of 2 niggles I hope to put right. For a few months now the engine stutters intermittently. Usually (always?) when warned up, ok from cold. It's never failed to start. Sometimes I lose all power completely for 1-2 seconds, but more often it's a lack of power and response when putting my foot down on the accelerator. It happens most days now. Garage not much help - as when they run diagnostics everything seems to be fine! Question: Reading around the forum the relay 27/30 seems to cause similar problems. Should I start by replacing this, or look somewhere else? (I had a coil pack go a couple of years ago, but that was a misfire and constant) Any thoughts welcome! Andy
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