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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by SolarB

  1. I'd not thought of what happens if you brake suddenly, I might have to look at other options.
  2. Does anyone have experience of using a Maxxraxx rack on a Galaxy? I need one to fit a detachable tow ball which pushes the price above
  3. Hi all. After a viewing on Friday I'm picking up my 2001 TDi Ghia tonight. It will be the biggest vehicle I've ever owned and has more toys inside than I'm used to. It's been bought principally for camping trips and won over the trailer/smaller car alternative. It's covered 110,000 miles but has a full service history and is only 15 miles from my home. I'm not concerned about the mileage as it will share my drive with a Focus with 190,000 on the clock running with the original clutch and exhaust. The Galaxy has had the wiper linkage and MAF sensor replaced and the aircon re-gassed 3 months ago (still cold). I'm not expecting it to be 100% trouble free and I'm prepared to fiddle and fix things, no doubt I'll be looking for advice and information on the forums. First job is to fix a crack in the rear bumper and do something with the alloys which have corroded badly. I'd welcome any (cheap) suggestions for the alloys. Once I'm out of probation I'll post a couple of photos of my new toy. Wish me luck.
  4. Hi Mariz. Does that mean the Haynes manual doesn't cover my 115bhp TDi engine? :wacko: If it doesn't do you know where else Ford used this engine? Do you have any idea which TIS I'd need or isn't it that simple? I bought two CDs for my Audi and they were both pretty useless. I'm happy to spend the money if I can be sure I'm buying the right data. Thanks for the welcome. I'm sure I'll become a regular poster as I learn about my new toy.
  5. Hello. Newbee here. I can only find a Haynes manual for MkI Galaxies up to 2000. I've just bought a 2001 MkII 1.9 TDi Ghia (collecting tomorrow). As I intend to service it myself I need a service/repair manual. Does anyone know if: Haynes ever produced a manual for the MKII? Is there an alternative manual? Is there much difference between a MkI and II? I'm not worried about minor trim and headlight changes but are the two versions mechanically similar? The Galaxy is replacing an Audi that Haynes didn't cover and I struggled to find wiring and engine information. Hopefully I won't have the same problem with the Galaxy. Edit: Oops, spelling mistake in the title and used capital I's for numbers....and I can't edit the title.
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