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Everything posted by MatTdi

  1. :D Bu66er.... will have to wait till the weekend then!! Is there a danger of breaking something big time?? if it driven for short trips like this?? Thanks in advance M@
  2. Thanks MM!! I'm real confused now as my disc and you PDF shows the front of the PD engine for the location of the stat.... Is it front or back? Maybe this is why the dealears manage to go so wrong as the TIS info is worng?? M@
  3. Thanks for the sanity check, I'll send the mrs out to get the thermostat today... Do I need to drain the coolant to change the thermostat?? I guess I do for the pump!! As for the warranty the old girl has done 90k now so its a bit far out :-( Thanks again M@
  4. Hi Guys and Gals, I'm after some help my Alhambra has started to overheat, but only at speed!! I have read the forum threads and can't work out if its the thermostat or pump thats stuffed.... It only happens at speed, the bottom hose is cold past the bend, it will blow warm air after a while, the fans are running and for all you other Alhambra owners :D the oil temp is at 120c instead of 90c..... If its the pump any idea on time taken for the job or costs?? Thanks in advance M@ - Driving slowly :D
  5. It was 8 degrees at home yesterday and the booster heater came on while the missus was dropping the kids off at play school, she said she looked round to see where the low flying jet was :) :lol: B) Made my day when she told me........ M@
  6. Please could you send me a copy of the software if its not too late :lol: I had no manuals or radio code with my bus and the lease company are not forthcoming at all. so this will save me the grief of the dreaded dealers. matt@fixed-it.com Thanks in advance M@
  7. Hi all, Have had a sucessful weekend and managed to replace the duff field coil that was stopping my aircon working. I now have cold air!!! The old coil measured 300Kohms and the new second hand one was reading 3.5ohms, I love EBAY!!! I managed to find a pair of circlip pliers that will reach both circlips that hold the pulley and coil in and it was replaced very easily. The clutch change on the Sanden compressor is a DIY job if you can find one. Has anyone managed to get a cost from the stealers for an AC clutch? I found that they list how to change the air gap and clutch on the TIS CD. If anybody wants any info just shout, I would have taken photos but my camera is busted :lol: lets see how long it lasts this time....... M@
  8. I agree with you guys go for a new high miler, if you can find and ex co car thats not too mangled then go for it. I bought my Alhambra SE PD 2002 51 plate with 78k on the clock as an ex fleet car, cheap, imaculate on the outside and low wear on the inside :D full service at main dealers Only problem I have had is that the dreaded aircon..... although I hace found the parts on Ebay to fix it myself for the princely sum of
  9. Hi all I have a question for you: I need to remove the AUX drive belt so that I can get at the AC compressor clutch (cos I managed to get hold of a coil), I have found the tensioner but I'm not exactly sure how to release it. Please help as I want to do this at the weekend. Thanks in advance M@
  10. :lol: you can have all those bits I have an Alhambra so I've got them already..... Do you remember if the AC compressor was still on as I want to get one from a scrappy :ph34r: to try removing the clutch to swop with mine.... M@
  11. Hi Nimrod, From my recollection of previous posts your from near Towester / Northamption area... Im from the home of Aston Martin!! If thats right which breakers are you finding these sad Shalaxies in? Thanks in advance M@
  12. OK Got a reply from Sanden and it loks like the coil or diode pack is dead. Quote: The resistance of the coil should be about 3.35 Ohms based on it's rated power of 43W. What I suspect has happened is that the diode has blown causing you to read open circuit. This diode is built into the coil resin to protect the car relays and electronics from back EMF. And guess what I cant bu spares from them..... Bba want 300+vat for a refurb unit and it looks like 400ish +vat from other places. What do you think the chances of Seat assisting with this would be? Thanks in advance M@
  13. ok I checked again tonight and I have 12v feed to the compressor which switches off when the CC is off or on ECON on AUTO I get a constant 12v feed, so I guess its not a low / high pressure cutout. I measuered the resistance of the clutch solenoid? and it looks to be open circuit, anybody know what it should read? The next question I guess is can you get a new clutch or solenoid? or is it really a new compressor..... Anybody know a good independant around MK or Northampton? Thanks in advance M@
  14. Hi all, After my Alhambra was regassed and the dye put in I still have no cold air :angry: the stealer wants to start changing compressors!!! The compressor looks like it not engaging the clutch as it never spins, I can move the center of the pulley while the engine is off and have measured 12v to the compressor, the other wire shows no volts so I guess its ground? Is this normal? does anyone know what the ohms measurement for the clutch is? is there a relay or other I can look at? Its a 2002 Tdi SE any Ideas welcomed as I dont want to pay to substitute parts to find out it a duff relay after they change the compressor....... Thanks in advance M@
  15. Hmmm if was under 60k miles I would be laughing but it has done nearly 80k.... When bought it came with 12mnth warranty which dosen't cover the aircon system B) If its a major failure I will speak to Seat Uk and see if they will help out as its only just 2 yrs old. M@
  16. Sorry for posting this twice but this thread seems more applicable.... Hi all, I have had 3 fun weeks of beautiful cold air from my Alhambra... Then Monday only warm air...... doh I have checked all the fuses and the fans spin at slow speed but do not fire up when the compressor should kick in. maybe clutch? It was re-gassed when I bought the car so may be they put in too much....... Also Stoneacre Seat in MK are sounding helpful, its booked in for a Diag check and re-gas with dye on Friday at a very reasonable
  17. Hi all, I have had 3 fun weeks of beautiful cold air from my Alhambra... Then Monday only warm air...... doh I have checked all the fuses and the fans spin at slow speed but do not fire up when the compressor should kick in. maybe clutch? It was re-gassed when I bought the car so may be they put in too much....... Any Ideas for other things to check? Also Stoneacre Seat in MK are sounding helpful, its booked in for a Diag check and re-gas with dye on Friday at a very reasonable
  18. Hi all, I have just bought a 2002 Uk Alhambra SE but it came with a Dutch? set of manuals, has anyone got an electronic copy or know where we can get a set from? I can work out most of it want would like to make sure..... Thanks for a fantastic forum, it saved me from buying anything too dodgy!! TIA M@
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