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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Another?Maybe!

  1. Mauser....your avatar, mesmorising And MOF, who's the lucky guy with the muddy hands? Jealousy reigns!! P.
  2. And me! Looky here now, they have changed from 11am to 12. Good job we have an expert around to advise us. Thanks. Don't think the radio clock is that simple though as I've tried all the ways I can think. Will give it another go though next time I go out. P.
  3. And I see we are still on GMT on the forum! My above post was sent at 12.00! P.
  4. Peter Russek manuals, there's a blast from the past (my past, at any rate) Used to be a Librarian in my former, working life. P/R manuals always seemed to be second best to the Haynes series, mainly because we had difficulty with getting info about them & finding a supplier for our Service. Were pretty good if I remember. I have a copy of the last Haynes Galaxy manual (up to Aug 2000 which is not all that useful so this new Russek one may be worth getting) Perhaps we should put in a bulk order & ask for discount for our members? PeteR
  5. The radio in my Gal (5000cd) seems to have lost its correct clock time function (press the 'menu' button until time displays, can then toggle between todays date & time). The date is ok but time is about 2hrs ahead. It should tie in automatically with the RDS signal. Anyone else have this problem? Any ideas for a solution (the manual just says adjustment is automatic)? Or I guess I will just have to use my watch or get stronger glasses so I can see the clock on top of the dash! The clock in the radio was useful to check other timepieces for accurate time. Cheers PeteR
  6. I agree, waste of time (& the money to include them whether you want(ed) them or not. Never used them on my Gal...mind you there are usually only 2 of us in it! I have one for its versalitity, its ability to become a Transit van when required, especially on those booze runs to France, or for taking accumulated rubbish to the tip. Plus the wonderful comfort & effortless driving ability, of course. P.
  7. What's an MFD???!!! Do I need one? PeteR PS Heard of TomTom!
  8. Core, that's very cutting Dave! I'm an armchair Leicester City supporter & we are looking forward to playing Sunderland next year...should be an easy 6 points!! Seriously though, I agree with Dave, Motors seem to be a pretty laid-back outfit, maybe it's because they are not a large-town outfit. I sniffed around there several months before I actually bought & was given a (good) part exchange price then. When I eventually phoned them about a Ford Direct model they found the one I have now, just the spec & colour I wanted, at a much better price than any Ford Directs I could find myself on Ford's website. Then quoted me a part exchange without seeing my car again. I guess the salesman I had seen the first time had probably kept a record of my details and the previous quote. Was very pleased with the deal. And you can get Ford Direct cars serviced at any Ford dealer (if you are brave & rich enough!) I seem to remember one of the main dealers in town (Bramalls) wanted
  9. When I got my current Gal via Ford Direct the 'log book' said it was blue when, in fact, it is platinum silver. After phoning DVLA I sent 'log book' back, as advised, with covering letter & they sent back an amended 'log book' Don't know whether this helps........phone DVLA and ask (if you've not done already!) PeteR And IIRC (!), they could only put 'Silver' on the new document as their colour database didn't include Platinum!
  10. Bought my current car from 'Motors Coalville' and very pleased with the deal after the attempted rip-off by my previous dealer (see earlier post above) also had it serviced there. It was a 'Ford Direct' which 'Motors' searched for for me. One attraction of this dealer is that they always have loads of Galaxys around which gives you confidence that they (should!) know what they are doing with them. Not found another dealer which stocks that many. And they are just off the M1 & have a large fleet of 'free' courtesy cars (only Ka's but better than walking or catching the bus! PeteR
  11. Guess I went over the top a bit, sorry all! But all this SHOUTING and arguing was doing my head in. I agree with MOF's last post, I know I don't contribute very much as I guess a lot of you don't judging by the new names but established members who pop up from time to time but I usually look up the forum with great interest most days & learn a lot from the experts. Get a lot of reassurance too. This sudden load of argy bargy is just spoiling it for the rest of us & probably putting other members off. It's not necessary so cool it chaps. And as for "mistaken" use of capitals....surely you read your posts on the screen before transmitting them so any errors can be corrected? PeteR
  12. For God's sake....and the sake of the rest of the members on this forum...knock the CAPS off you clown....or ???? off. I'll leave you to replace the ????. I guess you will use CAPS anyway!
  13. It's also worth taking a note of the VIN number for the car you are interested in to find out just when it was built. Use a site such as 'Mad Mole's Vin decoder' (it's a long URL so use Google to find it!) I was almost ripped off by my local dealer in 2004. They had a Galaxy which they stored in the showroom until it could get an 04 plate & was then priced as an 04 model. Checking the VIN plate showed it had been made in October 03, just before the new model was started to be built in Nov 03 (the one which I now have with the chrome bits on radiator grill & boot & aircon vents in the headlining). They had obviously bought it cheap from Fords as a 'runout' model & were hoping to make a good profit by selling it as the latest model. Needless to say, I have never darkened their door again after having this lucky escape! PeteR
  14. If you are getting 15,000 from the fronts you are doing ok. My previous 2.3 had the Dunlops changed at 14.000, present Gal's Michelins have done 15,000 & I will be looking to change them soon. With these greasy roads at present (salt, etc.) it's very easy to get wheelspin, especially with the torque from the diesel (!) which doesn't help the tread life & you get torque steer if not careful which isn't very pleasant. Anyway, you are looking at around
  15. Scientists have been suspicious for some time that beer contains female hormones and could be dangerous if drunk to excess so they decided to do a controlled experiment. 50 men were asked to drink 6 pints of beer each in one hour & then their behaviour was observed. It was found that all 50 men had the same symptoms, ie..... Talked excessively without making sense. Became overly emotional Couldn't drive. Failed to think rationally. Argued over nothing. Had to sit whilst urinating. And refused to apologise when obviously wrong. The scientists concluded that further testing was unnecessary! (Sorry girls out there, guess it's get-your-own-back-time!) PeteR
  16. OK, lets get really rock bottom.......! What's the difference between a Buffalo and a Bison?? You can't wash you hands in a Buffalo......boom, boom!
  17. Removable ball for Witter towbar is another
  18. Just had a towbar fitted professionally to the Gal, cost
  19. Hi Guys & Gals (!) Re my post of 9th October under this heading concerning new towbar affecting the rear parking sensors, well it has, despite towbar fitters saying good chance I would get away with it. Soon as I hit reverse the buzzer sounds continously, I know I can swap to a removable tow arm but these cost another
  20. Well last Winter I enjoyed the jet engine sound almost every day! Then early last week, temp was 52F & the familiar noise was there, very reassuring, but...on Friday was 49F and no noise!! Really missing it already. Guess a trip to Mr Ford is called for as car is still under Ford Direct warranty (if it's covered). Guess they can't do any/much harm to the rest of the car, just fail to get the heater working again, may need an extra sweater from the Ford range! PeteR
  21. These notes make interesting reading as we are returning to caravanning next year after a 4 year break. Now we are retired reckon we can then get up and go anytime the sun promises to shine for a decent period & go touring in France again, something we enjoy for the different scenery & freedom to stop as & when you please 'cos of the number of campsites over there. Have a new Bailey Pageant Champagne on order, due January, 1350kg similar to MATT's so looking forward to testing the Galaxy's towing capabilities although it would probably benefit from a few more cc's. Two queries I have from anyone who knows... ....previously, before we used a Ford Maverick 4x4 as towcar, we had a Mondeo & had occasional problems with wheelspin 'cos of the fwd, when towing, manouvering on site mainly. Bit worried as Galaxy has fwd so could have similar problems?? ...also need to get a towbar fitted. Has anyone had problems with the rear parking sensors "seeing" the towbar. Also will towbar wiring affect the bulb failure device? We live in Leicestershire, anyone used a local towbar fitter they could recommend with price? I have had 2 quotes @
  22. What's this 18 degrees/20 degrees stuff? My temp is set to 70! Also, on topic of fuel economy I think more fuel is used when aircon is on as makes more demand on the engine to drive the compressor. Also, when I was a kid being driven by my Dad, whenever we came to a downhill stretch he would knock the gearbox into neutral, Scotsman's petrol we are using, he would say! Guess that would be a racist remark these days? PeteR :lol: <_<
  23. Thanks folks...this address works! Will change my 'favourites'. Hope the hacker, or whoever doesn't knacker this one as well!! PeteR
  24. How are you chaps getting into the site now we have 'error 404'? I am getting in through link in notifications to my Hotmail. www.forgalaxy.org.uk doesn't work anymore. If you have cracked it, plse send the solution to my e-mail: richardson22@hotmail.com, thanks! PeteR
  25. Put your hand on it, if it's hot, it's working!! And if it stinks it's working!
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