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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by springen

  1. My Galaxy is now ten years old and although it's only done 80k miles, it's due a cambelt change. I have just had a quote from Ford of £953 (includes water pump, tensioner and aux belts and VAT). This sounds excessive to me - what do you think ?
  2. The facelift has LED tail lights which continue from the tailgate cluster across to the outer clusters. The earlier mk3 has bulbs. Sorry I don't know if this means the connections/voltage requirements are any different.
  3. Thanks for the reply. It's been doing it since September and it wasn't so cold then. It doesn't seem right to me so I'll give the delaer another ring.
  4. I have this issue with my Mk3 Diesel 2.0 when the engine is COLD and under load (like accelerating or going up a hill). The engine makes a 'pinking' noise - I believe this is called diesel 'knock'. As the engine warms up the noise gets less and less until it goes away after a few miles. There are no warning lights on the dash and no codes recorded. It's been to Ford twice, the first time they changed the fuel filter housing and pipe as they said air bubbles were showing in the pipe. They also changed the 'brown' solenoid which was apparently 'over active' ?? This did not clear the issue. It went back in again, and this time they said the injector mapping was 'out' so they re-mapped it. This didn't cure the issue either. They say everything is normal, and that the timing is correct. The ECU changes the timing to get the engine temperature up as quick as possible. They did ask what fuel I use, and I confirmed that I only use Shell diesel - never supermarket fuel. Do you think I should live with this issue, the car is fine after a few miles. There is no problem with performance. I'm of the opinion that it maybe a temperature sensor issue. Either coolant or oil/engine. Can I test these sensors in some way (by disconnecting them or something ?) When I 'select' the temperature gauge on the dash it seems to be working fine. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
  5. I too have this problem with my Mk3 - how did you resolve it in the end ?
  6. I reckon your right, booked it in at VW for
  7. My front passenger seat is stuck too - won't budge forward or back when the front lever is lifted. It will swivel around though ??!! I've had a good look and cannot see anything stuck in the runners. Anybody else had this problem - and solved it ?
  8. I have been searching online for replacement front pads for my Galaxy, and have also noticed that there seem to be several specified for the 16inch wheel 1.9tdi Galaxy mk2. I've narrowed it down to two for the 115bhp model. One set is specified as 156.3mm x 78.5mm and the other 156.3mm x 74mm. I guess I'll have to take them out and measure them, but I was hoping to order them first. Anybody have a definitive list ?
  9. I transferred my towbar from a 1997 (mk1) Alhambra to a 2005 (mk2) Galaxy without any problem at all. It was a Witter one.
  10. Switch is on the gearbox under the battery tray. Not easy to get at. I believe you need to support the engine/gearbox underneath if you undo the bolts for the battery tray, as it doubles up as the engine support !! You don't need to have working reversing lights to pass MOT.
  11. I've always fitted my own - using Towsure mainly. Worth paying the extra for the customized electric wiring kit - no wire cutting needed, just 'plugs' in between existing wiring and rear lights - no problem. No hole drilling is required when fitting towbar - on Mk1 it replaces plastic bumper 'stuffing', on Mk2 it replaces metal bumper stuffing.
  12. Told it was 60,000 miles or five years on my Tdi (Feb'05) by Ford Main Dealer (Haynes of Maidstone) on Friday.
  13. My Gal had it's 30000 mile service on Friday (although it's actually only done 23000 miles !). They changed the Oil & oil filter, pollen filter, fuel filter - BUT didn't change the air filter (strange I thought, but apparently not due for that ??). They did manage to cure the 'hesitation' problem at 1800 rpm - upgraded the ECU software apparently......and the did wash & hoover it out (the car not the ECU !). BUT when I checked the oil level yesterday I was amazed to find that it had been over-filled (about 1 cm above the max on the dipstick !!). I rang & complained and they took the car back and drained (sucked) some oil off. My concern is that it may have damaged the 'cat' - Ref: warning stickers under the bonnet. It will have to have it's first MOT in a couple of months so I guess I will find out. I've read elsewhere on this forum of cases of oil over-filled - has anybody experienced resultant problems of 'cat' failure ??
  14. .........update to above. Error has never appeared again since, am thinking it's a red-herring !! Service tomorrow so will get the the Fraudster's opinion.
  15. Just arrived home from a 15 mile journey, experienced 'Alternator Workshop' error on dash along with battery warning light flashing. Warning occurred a couple of times then went out. Tried 'loading' electrics with lights, heated screens, etc.. but could not get error to return. No undue noises (yet). Did notice steering felt 'funny' though. Do you think I've got the above problem starting ? I'll do the alternator fan check tomorrow. It's only done 22,000 miles, and the three year warranty runs out February '08, so if there is a problem would be best to get fixed soon. First real problem with car since purchase. Although I've still got a slight hesitation problem at 2000 rpm when accelerating gently - dealer couldn't find a problem ! - maybe it's related to above ??
  16. Quick question on a related subject. Just had new tyres fitted to the front, and I noticed that there is only one 'pad sensor' fitted on one side on the front. Is this normal ??
  17. Thanks everyone. Couldn't find mk2 Galaxy on the ebay shop - but found Mk2 Sharan RHD so that should do the trick. Cheers again.
  18. I fitted a mover back in January for the very same reason you need one - storage space slightly up hill, loose gravel and no room to manoeuvre with the Gal. It works great, just like having a radio-control car. I bought a Reich - but cannot really recommend it, as it mounts so low on the caravan chassis (3 inches above the ground), that it is so easy to 'ground' it when the wheel go downs a pot-hole. It looks neater than others, because it is in a plastic casing, but for reasons mentioned above, the casing easily gets smashed. I would suggest a Power-touch model, it's more agricultural but mounts further off the ground. They're not cheap but so so useful. :16:
  19. Does anybody know of any customizing companies that produced a 'walnut' like trim to replace the 'silver' one around the centre console switches on the mk2 ? .... and possibly around the gear lever console ?
  20. .... so what does that do ??
  21. Good tip - or else, if you battery can't handle it, use a hairdryer.
  22. Akiko When I had my Mk1 and was just going for a day-trip to France, I just blacked out the section on each lens with black insulation tape. I haven't got a diagram, but it's basically the lope-sided rectangle section on the passenger side of each lens that needs blanking out. I'll have to buy the proper deflecters for the Mk2 clear lens when I go over later this year. #STOP PRESS# just found this post - may try these templates http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...=5397&st=30
  23. Strangely, my dash warning light flashes when I operate the Hazard Warning Lights, whether the towing electrics are connected or not. It does not operate at any other time. I have not made any VAG COM changes. Towsure custom wiring kit fitted.
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