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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by galaxyman73

  1. sorry tooo far out for us or me and the kids wouid of come, big respect too ya tho for trying to organise a great meet .. most kind and thoughtfull of you for trying, kind regards Loz,
  2. Where is this meet located? sounds good to me whats up with everyone is the bad weather getting too you :wacko:
  3. The coolant sensors are located on the rear of the thermostat /coolant outlet housing on the left-hand side of the cylinder head (under where coil pack is) The upper sensor is the engine the engine coolant temp The lower one is temp-gauge sensor, Hope this helps if any,
  4. Haynes manual only covers up too 1995- 2000 M -W Reg, There are some manuals available On cd rom Disk on ebay, Idont know of anyother manuals available, hope this helps if any,
  5. good find mate, just shows how much there conning people with this rubbish stuff, 2%loss in power = big loss in fuel economy , :D
  6. hi all, my sunroof has started leaking ive cleared all the drains etc and still leaks , ive checked the seal and seems ok, anyideas? the water also comes out of the clock area also, its a mk1 galaxy.. im greatful for any advice, thanks inadvance,
  7. :lol: sounds a strange joke .. so freeky ..eek :lol:
  8. sounds a bit Warped, :16: :lol: :lol:
  9. :23: :16: :16: lol there class wich ever way .....lol :lol:
  10. :23: thats a class joke ..lol
  11. sounds like contaminated fluid, iwouid drain and refill .. a self bleed kit is needed if you dont have an assistant to help bleed afterwards, as for the noise you here as for the engine banging on start up sounds like rear engine mounting roll restrictor,
  12. When the stabaliser went on mine it was More of a THud that couid be felt from inside the car , as you have got a clunk -iwouid check the other engine mounts and drive shafts, *The engine stabaliser does have a little play on mine but not enough to alow the engine too jump forward,*(get an assitant (or mate) to see if the engine jerks forward whilst you put the car in gear and move it forward to rule out engine roll stabaliser,) hope this helps mate, regards,
  13. hi it sounds like the engine stabaliser mate give the gear box a tug and check to see if the stabaliser moves ihad the same prob with mine bought a replacement one off a ebay breaker :wacko:
  14. how much do these cil covers cost m8 they sound interesting have you got any pics of these regards galaxyman73
  15. they dont work the same in a galaxy .. the oil pressure gauge and others wont work allso mileage has to be corrected with use of vag-com
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