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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by pmcn500

  1. Thanks for the advice..... would it show up on a fault code reader thingummyjig..?? I've just purchased a vagcom kkl lead and a stand alone reader on fleabay.... on advice from one of the other members (Zorgman) so fingers crossed, we can get to the bottom of it when they arrive.... Many Thanks again Paul & Lisa
  2. 110Bhp is AFN ...Thank you !!
  3. Right....some progress !! We decided to bite the bullet and have bought a new Battery (Ouch !!).... replaced the air filter.... and have a new oil and fuel filter ready to fit... (will do this next week) Connected new battery up.... and.... it started first time !!...switched off....started again... first time again....no delays...no coughs (phew...!!) have driven it around 20 miles....switched off several times when stopped....and each time it has started first time without fail... However.... lol There is a distinct lack of power now..... never rains but it pours huh !! Car starts absolutely fine....but wheezes ??? when trying to accelerate.... then seems to kick into life a bit....but still not what it should be...? when accelerating, you can hear a distinct wheeze...almost as though the turbo was loose...disconnected (is this possible ??) it does build up to normal speed....slowly.... but does lack power. I appreciate everyone is going to be busy with Christmas now.... so wont expect any replies for at least a few days....at least its starting now !! Thank you to everyone who has helped us.....Hope you all have a lovely Christmas & Happy New Year :) Paul & Lisa x
  4. I am checking the paperwork just now but still not sure where it gives the engine code......... i know its a 2000 1.9tdi auto 110BHP and its a mk1?
  5. Thank you for all your help. Paul
  6. Hi there Vag-Com is what you need for the galaxy, look on ebay for one of these. you then use it with a laptop http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VAG-USB-DIAGNOSTIC-CABLE-409-1-OBD2-II-LEAD-VAG-COM-/330399696070?pt=UK_Diagnostic_Tools_Equipment&hash=item4ced5b44c6 ps I was looking at your other post do you have a MK1 or 2 and what engine code? Hi there, Its a mk1 2000 1.9tdi auto .................engine number is xm56845 (not sure if thats what you need?) Paul
  7. Hi there everyone.... We have been having significant starting probs with our Gal, and have noticed on eBay that you can buy fault code readers.... However, there appears to be quite a variety in whats available and price !! Can anyone please advise if they have any recommendations ..... experiences.... etc etc... as they seem that they would be a handy tool to have.... but only if thay work properly.... ! Many Thanks Paul
  8. :) "Easy start" spray - the quickest way to ruin a diesel engine, it can ruin a piston in next to no time. I'm surprised they used it! I think you need a new battery.....and a new air filter....and probably a new fuel filter (when was it last changed?) Also check the glow plugs are actually operating (measuring voltage on the busbar) and check whether the glow plugs replaced with a reputable brand (Bosch,Beru,NGK) as cheap brands fitted by some back street garages are as good as the faulty ones they took out. Thank you for taking the time to reply................. Paul is going to get a new air filter and new fuel filter today as the AA man reckons although we paid for a service (at a supposed to be reputable garage) that they haven't been changed!!.......... the guy from the AA tested the glowplugs as these were all changed for Bosch ones at the MOT last week (different garage) and they were fine according to him. Do you think the battery needs replaced even though it has been tested and is saying good?.......... I am more than happy to change it if its going to get the car going again :) .......... I tried the car again last night after posting and it wouldn't start again and this time i am getting 2 beeps when trying. I am going to get Paul up now and get him to pop up to Perth to get the air and fuel filters and we know our local parts man can get the battery in for us today if required. I really do appreciate all the advice and help you guys have given.............. I just want out Taxi to work again.......... Lisa x
  9. Thank you for your help Phil............ I am not sure that relay 109 is the problem as by looking through the posts on here and the tdi forum (for many hours lol) it seems to be that if Relay 109 is at fault then the glowplug light fails to show and this is showing everytime we try to start the car. As i said we have been trawling the forum to check for issues/pointers and so far have tried 1- We thought the crankshaft postion sensor might be the problem as over the last few days the car has been beeping when trying to start aswell, we counted the beeps and initially we were getting 5 beeps so ordered a sensor from a local parts company (who have been brilliant) for
  10. Ok please bear with me as i am Mrs PMCN500 and not too hot with the technical bits lol........ We have just spent a small fortune getting the galaxy through its MOT and are now considering the expense of getting the timing adjusted but want to rule out any other problems first. The car has been reluctant to start at times for the last year or so but always started after turning the key a few times to activate the glow plug light and never had any problems once it had been used starting again unless it was very cold. Over the last two months however the car has been taking an age to start and has been coughing and spluttering for up to 5 mins before it eventually turns over and starts. When it does this we get a fair amount of white smoke out the exhaust. The glow plugs were all changed at the MOT a few days ago and its not really made a difference although 3 of them were not working at all when checked. I tried to start the car late last night and it was having none of it at all so i left it and tried again 1st thing this morning where it fired up no problem with the 1st turn of the key. I switched her off and tried again half an hour later where again it started although this time it was lumpy and reluctant but i left it to run for 20 mins or so to heat it up............... i have since gone out half an hour ago to start it again and its doing the same as last night............. the engine appears to be turning over but refusing to start. Are there any relays we should be looking at or anything else we are missing or does is sound like the timing is out?........ The timing belt was done 3 yrs ago just after we got the car but not at a dealership to may be slightly out?....... we have had the car checked for problems on the reader thing (vag-com i think ) and it says there are no faults? Well done if you got this far and any help or advice would be very much appreciated. Lisa x
  11. This is Brilliant.......!!!.......I've sent messages to most of the family ...as well as the kids !!......lol.....
  12. We are looking for a towbar for our 2000 (W plate) Galaxy if anyone can help...?? I can arrange for collection and delivery Cheers Paul
  13. I have heard of this before...... easy way to avoid this happening again is to carry a small bottle of water (1/2 ltr is enough in the boot) and if ever in this situation again, then you can simply say....'it's obviously just run out....but i have water in the boot to top it up'.....then they cant do a thing !!..... ask your son if they checked the boot etc......... and if not....try to defend by saying you had the 'spare' water there at the time ....but forgot about it at the time due to the stress of being stopped etc etc ??
  14. Came back to the car to find a leaflet tucked under the wipers...... inviting me to join FGOC...??..........lol.... who was it.......??................lol
  15. Wanted: Looking for towbar for a Mk1 2000 (W-Reg) 1.9tdi :(
  16. I LOVE this forum.... lol... We had a situation yesterday where the auto gearbox locked up as we got home with glowplug light flashing.....luckily just as we were parking.....! anyway... searched on here.... and set to work.... removed the switch....squirted with wd-40....and everything is working perfectly !! Thanks again everyone...... :wacko:
  17. We had an annoying rattle / vibration from the front of the dashboard near to the windscreen whenever we were above 30 mph...... and it took us ages to find out what it was..... On the OUTSIDE of the car...... there's a strip (plastic panel) between the windscreen and bonnet....... if you tap this gently with your fingers, you can hear the rattly noise (more so toward the edges) ..... simply insert a small piece of rubber (approx 3/4 inch long x 1/4 inch wide x 1mm thick) at either end where the panels meet ..... and hey presto....no more rattle...... result !! :rolleyes:
  18. Hi everyone... we went for a twin screen system just now....... when looking into the logistics of a 4 screen system, it was going to be a nightmare for the wiring, as seats are in and out and moved about...!! Thanks for all the feedback though...... it has been great though...... don't hear a peep out of them now wherever we go.....lol
  19. Perhaps one (or more) of your glow plugs is faulty. This would not affect the time that the ECU switches them on for but would lead to longer, more difficult starting as one of the cylinders would be cold. Take each one out and test them. ..... whats the best / easiest way to check the glowplugs ?? Thanks...
  20. Whenever we switch on to start our Gal in the morning, the heater coil indicator on the instrument panel only lights up for approx 1 second...?? sometimes it can be problematic to start...others it away first time..... I have had a look through the search under 'glow plugs'.... but didnt see anything that really matched the light only illuminating for a second.... ....any advice anyone...?? Thanks P.
  21. Hi there folks..... we are pretty new to the forum, having only picked up our Galaxy about a week ago..... In the mornings, when I switch the main heater on, there appears to be a significant lack of heat coming through at your feet...??? even with it turned up to max, the Gal is barely heating up inside..... if i switch airflow to the windscreen it seems fine, but practicaly nothing coming through underneath...?? I have check the water levels....thinking it might be a water leak, but they are up at the max in the expansion tank..... and no signs of any leaks ??? ...are there any known problems with the heating/selector mechanism that would cause this...? Thanks Paul
  22. ...its a bit like your wireless broadband..... but you can have your pc....tv...hifi... etc all connected wirelessly, so you can watch any downloaded films, clips etc on your tv.... ....Media Streamer
  23. :rolleyes: ...... Cheers folks..... !!!...was just curious....
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