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Everything posted by thelastmanstanding

  1. well I was going to use sirdrinkalot but then I dont cant afford it have a gal you know thanks for the welcome and your suggestions to my problem going to back up on the fire and get a heat bloody frozen
  2. you mean strip off the door remove the lock and replace it in the opposite orientation cant do it now but it might be worth a try in the light of day shall need to empty car out now and get in out of this weather its not doing my old bones any good does anyone have any other ideas that I can try out in the morning if my car is still at the door what what this is a nice area you know one lives in hope
  3. do you mean the mechanism if so then ive tried that by putting a screwdriver into the slot and going through the motions of locking it with the door open then using the key to unlock it but I might be misunderstanding what you mean advise please
  4. still have the old lock but new one is somewhat different ie workings now encased where you could see the spring etc you now can't shall check out the door gator soon as also the 3 pin multi however rained off rogth now and its bloody freezing out snows all I need right now shall let you know if what you suggest works anyone else have any help to give on this point could it be that my new key is not coded although ford said that it doesnt need coding wow I'm digging up dragons now
  5. for bleeno thanks for the welcome and the help first soz for missing the 'L' in my thanks for help however still not fixed after fixing wire see original post for mary thanks for the welcome I was going to ask in my confusion what exactly is a Giraffe stalker but I think that the penny has dropped For mumof4 thanking you for the welcome mary seems to be an interesting character as do yourself do you think that your house will survive the uproar you kno that theres no absolute rush soz if ive caused you a lot of bother however it must be nice to know that the world of Galaxy's would come unhinged if you weren't here to take such good care of it and to guide us all along about my avatar well I might change it later
  6. hi again been out in the wet and cold got the broken wire sorted out but wait for it that didn't fix the problem just sorted the rear interior courtesy lights funny that I hadn't even noticed that they weren't working my thanks to beeno for help so far so any more ideas anyone dark will fall and my boot wont lock aahhhhhhhhhhh :rolleyes:
  7. Hi bleeno well just been out to the gal and low and behold after some fiddling got wires exposed only to find as you diagnosed broken wires do you have any suggestions as to how to repair them without tearing the door apart any help will be most appreciated
  8. newby just saying hi to all and sundry galaxy 2.0ltr 72 k silver had it for 16 months now wish id found this site 20 mths ago find whats on here most enlightening and some of the jokes are just about funny hi all :rolleyes:
  9. from the bottom of my heart I thank you for making me laugh on a day where the skys are grey and lifes been a real trial and the cars been being a bitch again :rolleyes: keep it up
  10. can anyone help we have a problem recently we had both front door locks break (or broken for us) we have replaced the drivers door handle etc as supplied from ford now our problem central locking not working except that when locking the drivers door it also locks the petrol cap but none of the other doors or boot (when the locks were broken we only had access to the car through the boot which was the only door that we could unlock ,then crawling through the car to manually open the other doors from the inside) now whats happened is that although the new drivers lock works perfectly our boot wont lock at all also and most intriging is that when we go through the motions of unlocking the boot with the key (and remember that it is not actually locked ) then this unlocks the drivers door and petrol cap ) how can we lock our boot manually for security is this a electric fault a lock fault or is it to do with the keys ie the boot key is original whereas the drivers door key is a new one as supplied with the lock .we have examined the boot lock and if we push it by hand it locks (boot open at the time ) and unlocks with the key in the boot but will not lock when we close the boot and of course we cannot lock the bootlock with the key HELP
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