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Everything posted by thelastmanstanding

  1. now then----- here's a strange thing that's happening to us When we are driving along and the engine has heated (i say this because it doesen't happen when we first drive off but only after the engine has heated through) trying to move up the gears from second to third we seem to come a cropper as third wont engage we can get it to go in if we go to 4th then down to third ,but not when going up the gears 2-3.Nor do we get this as we come down through the gears can anyone shed any light on this any ideas please dont anyone advise a match as I just recently bought a big box and know how to use then
  2. och aye kev they even have the Ledd Zepp there on the 16th of this month at 8pm tickets
  3. Wednesday May 7th 9 am other half takes our old gal to have a new brake calliper fitted at rapid fit in DUNFERMLINE over joyed that its only costing us 1 arm and the toes of the opposing foot 11.30 am they return home smiling job done . Out I go to have a quick look as one does to check it out first glance fluid all over the wheel and tyre closer look and it seems that they have only fitted the rear half of the calliper and that the handbrake external return spring is missing ************* that's it and ask her to get on the phone to them and clarify while I wash the fluid from the wheel and tyre high noon other half phones them to be told that they're awfully sorry about the spill not being cleaned up and as for the calliper it comes in two half's ( anyone with any info on that?) and that the new calliper has an internal spring and so doesn't need the outer spring (however the reason for having the calliper changed was because they said that the internal spring was knaffed on the old one so not allowing the handbrake to release 6.15 all dressed to go to a concert at Glenrothes out of the village and on first try of the brakes the seem a tad soft when I ask the other half about how they were after they were done she tells me that the pedal seemed to have more travel than usual but that she had just put that down to the fact that they had just been done Expletive's too numerous to map out here can we all accept **** and on to ***** Thursday 8th 8.05 am other half phones and tells RAPID FIT about problem 9.45 am she takes the car to the garage where the fully experienced dressed up ****** tosser takes our old gal and does a racer up the yard to check the braking quality (what a banana head) only to give himself a fright and to return to her calling his underlings*******n idiots and that they hadn't bled the brake and that**** now she had driven it that the whole ****system would now need to be bled My good wife explains that we as an entire family had been out in the car the previous night and that sorry just wasn't good enough only to be retold that he can only say that he was sorry when she then asked could she talk to the idiot who done the job only to be told that it was his day off 11.50 job done wife returns home still fuming .. on inspection of car we find a nice dark oil stain on our passenger seat well *************** it and ***************** also fluid spilled all along the spark plugs leads channel and down the servo and all over the reservoir and the pipes under same so now that we have calmed down a little BE ADVISED IF YOU LIVE IN THE DUNFERMLINE AREA that those who work at the RAPID FIT there would be more suited to fitting the holes in doughnuts than anything else that needs any form of mental challenge that might stress a three year old they don't actually take any notice of your pride and joy don't apply seat covers wont tidy any spillage and most criminal no-one checks that the idiots have actually managed to do the job properly just as a matter of conclusion how many accidents are caused in this manner and how often are companies taken to task over it name them it wont shame them but at least we will know who these bad garages are and where they are well now We are going to get in touch with their head office one never knows heads might roll on the other hand no-one has been really hurt its not like some-one actually got killed this time ..... no thanks to RAPID FIT DUNFERMLINE FIFE
  4. well Mary at no point did I say that I didn't believe you Like others on here just found it difficult to comprehend but looking at the size of the roll (us normal peeps just buy small 15mtr ones) its no wonder that you managed to break your toe with it as for the pics well I'm sure that now that the evidence is plain for all to see you will get much deserved sympathy from all and sundry hoping that your toe heals well and quickly without further comment about it ... as for a shorter name how about SNAFU which would seem to be just about right for me wouldn't you think soz that I never answered over the weekend but was doing my best to plan an escape route out of fife before your holidays begin all the best
  5. just had a look at your plane thats fantastic that at least we dont have to worry about you being up in it great things those are do you do competitions with it ?
  6. just checked post now and sod it she who must be came home at 4pm so she did the checking and started off by telling me that one of our foglamps wasn't working apart from that reverse light work fine and all seems to be ok and apart from not having the boot centrally lock its avoided the fraud squad or a loom job happiness is time for the sundowner and a quiet cigar whilst i'm still in her good books would any one care to join me in a glass of bowmore perhaps even 2
  7. ah bleeno so although your quite happy to take part i or someone else has to bear the brunt of the expense I dint think that the swarfega would be of mercantile quality after the event and although I was getting a reasonably good deal on the overalls they were lumi yellow and would really have had a bad camo effect on the outcome so with this in mind i've stoped the print of tickets .told the tv the deal is off and your chance of going down in history as the great green whoooooooooooosh just drifted out the window hoping that this news will not cause you any impairment in you adult life and that you wont be tempted to down the road of sod it all and be tempted to engage in such a dangerous stunt without your loyal fans to give you help support and a clean up with a firehose sorry lad you'll just have to be content and realise that it really was a silly idea to begin with all the best and thanks for your help with the doorlocks
  8. wow I wud never have thought that that situ would happen to you just out of curiosity did you by any chance have a glance at the tyres on the plane or is it a glider ? and by the way what would us mortals do without you glad youve got them sorted out now slap yourself sane and dont do it again promise
  9. well mary hope that this morning finds you bright eyed and bushy tailed I just hope that your sling worked out perfectly and that your singing your favourite song I have noticed that you said you would post pics would it be possible to have pic of sling or line drawing as this might be a new invention and one never knows we might be on a little earner there I'll be quiet happy to be in the front line there beside you as we do the marketing just business of course smile mary have a nice day by the way did you get my comment on selected name u had for me ?
  10. why thank you for your welcome i'm feeling almost chirpy today having got my bootlock sorted out am waiting with bated breath for Bleeno to reply so that I can start a new topic and organise sales of tickets to the event of the new millennium I have made a few quiet enquiries on ebay for bulk purchases of overalls for spectators in either green or brown but would accept khaki hope to see yourself and all others that have enjoyed this thread there confirmation of tv presence still awaited for bleeno come on now lad no need to be shy name the day
  11. ok following all the info that all have contributed have had the door gators off and checked the wiring and apart from 2 that were cracked and the one that was broken in the boot can find no others followed the wiring to the boot and checked the wiring inside the panel in the boot found lots of plugs etc for lights etc amongst these was a white cliplock on the wiring cables coloured red/white grey green/black red/orange brown/white now on my travels through the wiring these coloured cables seemed to follow the flow so i disconected this clip AND LOW AND BEHOLD my boot now locks -----and I can unlock it with the key effectively making it manual so for all those that want a manual bootlock go for it have checked rear washer wiper it works hazard lights ok parking lights ok cant try reverse till wonder women arrives shall update then Thank to all gods concerned in the bright sunny day here today for all the assistance and ideas from all concerned I thank you
  12. HI Bleeno I just knew someone would start the degeneration however not knowing the answer and never tried that sort of thing we will make arrangements to come and watch you try it out ?is of course does the ass in the infinitesimal time after a fart take a swift air intake you know the ying yang effect now if that happens I see that you could be in for the greatest enema of all time and it might be a day when overalls are waranted by the spectators i'll try to get the tickets made up later today could you give me details of when and where you'd to do this we'll need at least till next sat you never know bud you could be on tv with this one
  13. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im going to loose it again lets not have a discussion where we have to sink so low as to debate shitiness and its qualities im sure someone will pop up with the runs or worse smile Mary and recover quickly lol
  14. hi madbaz what you say seems to be most likely I shall get to it first thing in the morning its fair hissing here and dark to boot shall let you know how I get on thanks very much for your input so far and that applies to all who have helped
  15. well now mary we are so glad that you are taking this in the spirit of enlightenment and that the laughter is helping your recovery however another image of you has come to light imagining you on holiday with you roll of clingfilm firmly clutched in your oversized handbag as you limp along between loos firmly stretching a coating across the pedestial in you trilby hat and long overcoat as you masquerade as a man to get untold satisfaction at those who wander out trying to cover up your devilment i do hope that you are not planning holidaying anywhere where I might go I,ll be watching out for mysterious men in trilby and overcoat carrying a handbag with a devilish grin walking with a limp and a cane walking stick and suspicious red wellingtons that match the lippy now just wondering is it possible that you might be encouraged to put a pic of the offending clingfilm and your toe on here just to ice the cake so to say another thing about my handle well you could call me something else as long as its not too over the top I just bet you've thought some names up for me what do you think might be appro
  16. I've heard that some people have extra sensory perception but internet spells well I have come to the conclusion that mary is doing the wizz on us quietly in the background mumof4 stay out of the kitchen shes hexed mine I put the kettle with no water managed to knock over a bottle spilling contents while sniggering at the clingfilm and to top it all off burnt my lunch to the pot Mary fun is fun we're over the top time to stop this leg pulling please dont put a hex on the toilet seat
  17. mumof4 and mary this has gone from a simple case of sympathy to the almost sublime and is now quickly assuming the role of the distinctly ridiculous I mean I can hardly make myself a cuppa without laughing (clingfilm and tinfoil on rack above the kettle ) it seems that mumof4's imagination has reached an almost impasse where she like myself are stuck in the snigger mode i would take the dog for a walk but i just know that the next door neighbour will be asking why I have that silly grin on my face and I wouldn't want to offend her by bursting out in fits of uncontrolled laughing i mean she might become offended and we live in such a nice area and wouldn't like to have to move away because i've offended the neighbours Soz folks I'll have to take the medication mary do you think that a good whack on the middle toe with a hammer would stop this and be an appropriate medication
  18. hi and welcome you'll manage to get speaker grills on ebay item Number 160216616511 or just type in 'galaxy speaker grills' cost
  19. well now its just another snafu however we were in the throws of thinking that we should get a newer model but on reflection of this we think that we'll just keep the old gal she's only got 72K and minor problems so we'll just put off getting another till she gives up the ghost she who must be obeyed says 'well get your butt out of that chair and go and get the old gal polished up' and I've to go and get a private plate just to spruce her up a bit ah well as I said just another snafu back fires a wee bit if we who have older gals just keep them running along and put off the purchase of that newer model thank you Darling you just added to the value of my old gal
  20. for you to assume that I would lower myself to the level of someone who laughs at anothers misfortune is almost beyond reason I mean you have broke your toe with a roll of cling film which muct be rather painful to say the least never mind the added frustration that you must be feeling at the inability to enjoy life to its fullest (ie nooky being out of bounds) I must say that although I sympathise and I mean that from the bottom of my heart I really must admit that you are correct and that I have laughed my ass off at the myriad of imagined pics that flash through one mind as you get kinky with your clingfilm im sorry but i'll have to go now as im loosing it again
  21. try checking out www.divx.com they seem to have a lot to say about them and might be the best place to get the right info ie from the horses mouth
  22. 42 yes it'll be fine now
  23. really nice that by the way welcome to the mad house
  24. wel there you have it Rump is offically off the menu tonight Mary has a broken toe aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you have my heartfelt sympathy lots of hugs and stay away from the kinky clingwrap rem life can be a different prospect entirely with a stooky in bed lol
  25. OK now I'm suitably wet again just been out and tried that when I turned thge key in the opposite direction it opened the passengers window something wierd there eh well Ill get myself warmed up again anyone got any more probable solutions HELP
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