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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

why me

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Everything posted by why me

  1. Hi just after filling my fuel tank with diesel we where told we could get a car with the mobility paid to my wife for her disability's as this would save us a lot of money we ordered a new galaxy our old one which is 16 months old will be used as the deposit. Now the problem is when ever we pick a new car or van up from this dealer we always get just enough juice to get us approx 10 miles from them, I resent this as the last few times we have traded in they have got up to half a tank of fuel from me. trying to reason with them to put a bit more fuel in is futile so i am determined this time i will leave them with as little fuel as possible. can any one help is there an easy way draining the fuel tank if not frauds win again. P. S the tank at the mo is nearly half full as we have not managed to get out much since ordering the new one.
  2. Hi while on hols in Cornwall recently i parked up while we did a bit of shopping at a tesco newquay. As i set off there was an almighty noise it sounded like tin cans being dragged behind the car, I assumed it was an old Toyota behind me as every one was looking at it as though they though it was, After a short while i realized it could be my car so stopped the Toyota drove past guess what no noise, i set off again and the noise was excruciating i got my son in law to get out and try and pinpoint where the noise was coming from he said it sounded like the back passenger side wheel. Now the panic set in as i could imagine the holiday being ruined while ford played at mending it. Any way we took the wheel off and the noise sounded as though it was coming from the plate at the back of the brake disc. I peered in between the disc and the plate as best i could and could see one large stone it was so large we had a right job getting it out. Once out we tried to see how it got in and the only place it would fit was through a slot cut out of the back plate it only just fit the hole the son inlaw suggested i must have been the butt of a joke by some one as the only way he could see it getting in was to be actually pushed it. AS this happend to any one else?
  3. Help i know not a lot about how tyre sizes work, Thought i was being clever keeping space saver spare from my mondeo size T125 85 R16 99M my galaxy sizes as most of you will know are 225 x 50R17 98W. A mate told me the spare would probably be useless for the galaxy any one any advice. as I do not want to use ford repair kit if possible
  4. I would think they are the same I thought the Mk3 was just a high-top S max. No notches on sill or cut out on skirt so apparently not i find it unbelievable the guy who sold it me does not know.
  5. This may not be the right thread for this question but where are the jacking points on the new model the book i got with the car are only shows the points on a S max. I went to the dealer the bloke i spoke to said there are none as i would have no reason to jack the car up. The reason i need to know is i kept the space saver wheel from the mondeo as the tyres on the mondeo where the same size as the ones on the galaxy so i thought it would save me from having to wreck a perfectly good tyre if i got a small puncture using the very very very expensive ford repair kit. :)
  6. Just an update , Just received phone call from rep 6.15 pm told me he as asked ford couriers where my car is and when it will arrive said he is waiting for an email from them. A car that was finished on the same day and was with my car as already been sent but apparently mine is still in Holland. Any one know an address or phone no i can complain to i know they will probably not give a damn but if these reps know some people are not willing to believe all their excuses they might change their ways a little. In the meantime any one thinking of buying from the ford dealers in Rochdale or Oldham beware and if you must buy from there tape all your conversations so you can play them back to them when they start trying to convince you the conversation you had previously was just a MISUNDERSTANDING :( ;) :(
  7. Oops they have found it now, It appears to be exactly where they left it in the first place in some vast compound in Holland looks like the promised date of 22 march is now out of the question. Why do these guys promise what they cannot deliver(excuse the pun) Now one rep says i will have it within a week his boss will not give me a definite date but says it SHOULD yes should be arriving within Ten days. Thats it this is the last time i buy ford every rep i deal with is about as honest as Arthur Daley they cannot open their mouths with out diarrhea coming out of it is their just one honest rep or Ford dealer out there. B) :) Any one from the ford company reading this you just lost a long standing customer one who buys cars and vans from you and is even daft enough to have them serviced by you but no more is honesty too much to ask for?
  8. Good news mine was actually manufactured on the date a was given, :D Bad news it now seems to have disappeared some where in transit the dealer cannot find it on his ford PC site. :D Hands up any one who thinks i am having the urine taken out of me i mean i am sure i do not look so god damn gullible :lol:
  9. Adrian i had to wait 4 weeks for my first two new cars both mondeo gia x my last mondeo i had to wait 6 weeks for after being promised it in 3 and just got it 3 days before i had to go to Cornwall for our hols. Gits I am seriously thinking of dumping ford as i use them for our vans also but i really wanted a Galaxy. But if they push too hard i will walk and they can shove their cars and vans up their a--e
  10. The dealer i am using at the moment is based in Oldham and Rochdale OMC, I last dealt with a dealer in burnley CD Brammall and they messed me about and tried ripping me off but i sussed what they where up to and had to put them in their place they have changed hands now but still have the same staff i went there to see if i could get one any faster than the broken promise i had from the ones i am using now he promised 6 to 12 weeks depending on which model and engine. My dealer said he would have the vin no as soon as a chassis was allocated at ford probably another fib. Good luck with your delivery date
  11. I ordered early jan was told by reps at both showrooms owned by this firm i visited Quote if you order now i would get it for march 1st unquote i ordered and had to keep reminding rep i did not want it before new 08 plate as he kept on telling me i would have it for the end of feb. two weeks after i ordered i was phoned by the rep who said i could not have the colour i ordered as it had already been discontinued i told him my second choice of colour he said he was just about to put my order with ford and i would have the car by 1st of march. I phoned 2 Weeks ago to see if everything was going to plan rep was a bit evasive and said he would get back to me later, I was later called by a different rep and was told there had been a misunder standing and i would not receive my car as stated he first insinuated i misunderstood the rep when i explained he had firmly promised the car in front of my wife and granddaughter he sounded as though he was starting to accuse me of lying until i asked him if he thought i was a liar he then started to backtrack to the misunderstanding part. He told me my car was scheduled to be built on the 4th march and i should receive it around 22nd although he would now not even give me a ball park figure of a definite date i would receive it. I asked if when we got near that date i would be given another excuse or be told i had misunderstood again he would not even promise this. Which all goes to show reps must be the decendants of the old used car sales men of legend DO NOT believe a word they say while selling you a car!!!!!!!! :lol:
  12. Could anyone tell me the average time from ordering a galaxy 2ltr diesel to delivery as my dealer as just put another 6 weeks on mine saying it takes on average 5 Months
  13. Thanks for the advice but already rung another dealer i was treated with suspicion and only got maybe answers, My dealer swears the colour i want as already been discontinued
  14. Hi i have just found and joined this site, I have been wanting a galaxy for some years now and finally i have enough grandchildren to justify getting one to her who must be obeyed, I ordered one from my local dealer a few weeks ago colour blue ambition, Well he phoned last week and said ford have now discontinued this colour and i would have to choose between black, white, silver, green, or Grey, Having owned black and white cars in the past i know how hard they can be to keep clean so i had to go for the sea Grey, I was wondering if there is any way i can check with ford as to whether this statement is true as i feel i am being spun little fib by the sales rep. If the colour is still available i will want a bigger discount on my car and a big apology from the sales rep, Could anybody help please
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