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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by sniper

  1. My C/C is similarly non-functional. I did find the vacuum hose perished, split and disconnected, but there wasn't enough of it left to re-connect. So I'll go and see if I can buy some tomorrow and have another go.
  2. I've just had the idle control valve off the top of the throttle body, sprayed it clean with carb cleaner and refitted it. Still the same :lol: Idle is irregular, coming from high revs it'll stick at around 2000 rpm for a few (10-30) seconds then drops down to around 1000 rpm again, idle still irregular. I checked operation of the MAF sensor - disconnecting it makes very little difference, but some, so I can't assume it's not working. Not sure what to try next...
  3. Just dropped by to say hi! New to the forum, and with a technical problem that's bugging me. (And I haven't even mentioned the none working cruise control system yet!) I'm ok dealing with most mechanical problems as I do just about everything that needs doing - but trying to diagnose the cause of some of the problems is not always quite so simple. Anyway, nice to be here. Paul
  4. My '98 Galaxy (2.3 petrol) is currently exhibiting and idling speed problem. I've looked around here for any similar topics, but not found anything as yet. The car starts ok, but is idling lumpily, occasionally revving up to around 2000rpm before then settling back to around 1000, but with irregular idle. It drives ok at higher revs - but when coming to a stop at a junction, it'll sit at around 2000rpm - if I wait long enough (about 20 seconds) it will then drop to around 1000 with irregular idle. I've been assuming this was a vacuum leak, but I can't find anything atm. There is a 'hissing' noise coming from the engine bay (sounds like it's coming from the area next to the alternator - i.e. where the exhaust manifold is - but it doesn't sound like it's coming from behind the metal cover over the manifold) - maybe it's a rubbing noise rather than a hissing noise - but it takes a second or so after I turn the key off to stop. I thought I'd post a question here while I'm waiting for the car to cool down again - I can't do anything without burning my hands atm. Thanks.
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